
"The discovery of Hypobepolium (HpBm) in the atmosphere of multiple Victalis planets has allowed us to revolutionise the production of vital technical components.   It should be noted that there have been some concerns raised as to the role the compound plays in the protection of the planet from their local star, but no conclusive studies have been done to prove this theory."  
— Extract from Understanding Peacekeeper Efficiency
by Peacekeeper M'Plisk

Properties & Characteristics

Hypobepolium (pronounced hi-poh-beh-poh-lee-um), also known as HpBm, is a compound naturally found in its gaseous form in The Victalis System. It has a yellow hue and is credited with giving the planets in this system their distinct colouring.   It is lighter than oxygen and has hyperconductive properties. The "hypo" in its name comes from the fact that it is a lower-than-usual density for a compound of this type.  


Before Its Discovery

Prior to the discovery of HpBm, a weaker similar compound was artificially created by the Peacekeeper Alliance in order to ensure adequately conductive components.   This was a slow and costly process and meant that the items created with it were exclusively used by Peacekeeper Command, because they were too expensive for use outside of this organisation. It also slowed down technological advancements, because while the theory was there the means to create the items was restricted.

The Discovery

  Traces of HpBm were found in the space beyond the Victalis System, and it was these small amounts of it which exploratory Peacekeeper vessels tracked across the galaxy, leading to the discovery of the star system.   It was this which prompted the colonisation of the Victalis System and its eventual move into The Alliance.

Everyday Use

HpBm is used in a multitude of technologies within the Peacekeeper Alliance. It acts as a mega-conductor, allowing for signals to pass much faster than they would otherwise.   When chilled to a liquid form, it can be sprayed across sheets of metal. This turns them into mega-conductors and they can then be used to create whatever component is required of them. 1g of HpBm is able to coat 20m2 of metal.  

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Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Efficiency, Victalis Command
Locations Peacekeeper Territories,Victor, Laurels, Succeed, Triumph, Celebrate
Technologies Digitiser, Testimonial 2.49-A, Wristassist
Common State
Related Species


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