
"Here's a fun fact. Did you know that Macrans used to bury their dead? Sorry, I wrote 'fun', that should have been 'fundamentally disgusting'. I mean, can you imagine?"
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly


Prior to the introduction of the Societal Betterment Act (which came into effect after the treaty between the Primians and the Macran), every settlement on P'Ache Micro had Decomposers.   The role itself was first practised in areas of swamp and marshlands, like the swamps around Nuskan on Rakan.

The Profession


The purpose of the Decomposer within Macran society was two-fold. First, they were tasked with collecting and looking after the dead. The Macrans understood the cyclical nature of the environment they lived in and wanted their dead to be returned to the ground so that they could provide for future generations. The Decomposer would bury and tend to the dead, ensuring the bodies decomposed.   Secondly, the decomposer took the soil that had the additional nutrients from the dead bodies and provided it to neighbouring farms.  

The Role

Decomposers tended to be people who liked to spend time by themselves. Decomposing fields unsurprisingly were outside of towns and cities, and they would have a strong transportation link to the nearest settlement. This link was to allow for the easy conveyance of the dead and to allow for the family of the deceased to visit should they wish to. However, these visits were few and far between, usually on an anniversary.   Perhaps due to this semi-solitary lifestyle, quite a few of the Seeing Eyes were originally Decomposers before they fled for safety.  

Social Perception

During the heyday of the Decomposers, they were seen as an important and crucial part of society. There were groups of Macrans in some parts of Sasnak who believed a Decomposer willingly touching you to be good luck.   However, the Primians viewed the role as unhygienic and immoral, to dispose of the dead in a way that they thought of as callous and prone to disease. They encouraged the Macrans to include it in their Societal Betterment Act under the list of depraved professions.  
"In accordance with section 2.1.4 of The Treaty, any and all activities which could be considered unhygienic, morally ambiguous, depraved or encourage a destabilising of the societal ideals laid out in The Treaty are hereby prohibited. Anyone found to be organising, participating in and/or inciting such activities will be prosecuted to the furthest extent of the law."  
— Extract from the Societal Betterment Act, passed unanimously on P'Ache Micro, on 12 Six 272 PT

Related Articles

Ethnicities Macran, Primian, Pachian
Locations Nuskan, P'Ache Micro, P'Ache Solar System
Background Macran Culture 271 PT - 357 PT, Ecosystem of Nuskan Swamps, 271 PT, Societal Betterment Act, Seeing Eyes
Public Services
Related Locations
Date Decommissioned
12 Six 272 PT


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Jul 27, 2024 15:43 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Damn it, Primians. You ruin everything. >:(

Aug 10, 2024 08:49 by Elspeth

They really do!

So many worlds to choose from...