Instant Fire Technology / Science in P'Ache | World Anvil

Instant Fire


  Running the "Instant Fire" over a piece of wood, or other flammable material causes it to catch fire.  


  Instant Fire was discovered in Place of Spirits by the Vellich after being left by the Jakunguh when they decided Vellikka wouldn't become the holiday hot spot they had hoped for.   The discovery of how Instant Fire worked came as quite a shock to the Vellich. When one of the children from the community of Abna had managed to get their hands on the stone like object and ran it through the long grass, the grass caught fire quickly and without apparent warning. Thankfully, the child and the settlement were safe, and the fire was quickly put out. It took a fair amount of experimentation after that to identify what had caused the fire and how the stone could be used.   The Vellich don't know that the "Instant Fire" - as they call it - is in fact a creation from the Peacekeeper Alliance, as they believe it was left behind by the Great Spririt (see Where The Spirits Come From).  


  This technology is not widely needed across the universe, but can be purchased easily enough from people selling equipment for those venturing into the unknown. The Peacekeeper Alliance also keeps a large stash which are handed out to Emissary of the Peacekeepers who are heading onto new lands.   On Vellikka, there are approximately 150 Instant Fire stones.  


  To the Vellich, the Instant Fire is a gift from the spirits and is something they could never dream to replicate.
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