Light Stone Technology / Science in P'Ache | World Anvil

Light Stone


  A tap on the pebble causes it to light up, and two taps turns it off. It is used as a travel light. 


  It was found in a Place of Spirits by the Vellich. They have no idea that it was left there by the Jakunguh when they decided the planet of Vellikka wouldn't turn into the holiday hot spot they wanted it to be.    The rest of the universe knows that it was in fact the discovery of Larite and it's energy and light storing properties which made the "light stone" possible. 


  "Light stones' - as they are called by the Vellich - are readily available across the universe. They are a standard form of outdoor lighting. They are almost as valuable for the components that create it as the function itself.    On Vellikka, Light Stones are a rarity, as they were only found in one of the Place of Spirits, near The Vell. There are only 13 on the planet. 


  The Light Stone is powered by Larite. Once implemented, Larite extremely powerful, but the harnessing of this element can be extremely complex, which is part of the value of the item.    To the Vellich, the Light Stone is effectively magic.
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