Social Rules for Peacekeepers


Rules and standards are important across all areas of Peacekeeper life, as can be seen in the Peacekeeper Alliance and the organisations within it. This idea of standards extends to Peacekeeper Society in the form of unspoken social rules which are upheld resolutely.  

Many Backgrounds

The Peacekeepers are made up of four ethnicities; Primian, Majoran, Minoran and Macran. As such, they've each had some influence on the overarching social rules. Obviously, some have had more influence than others, and a lot of the ideals behind these social standards come from a Primian way of thinking.

Peacekeeper Integrity

The Pillar of Peacekeeper Integrity, which sits within Peacekeeper Alliance, takes a great interest in these social rules. Part of their work involves ensuring a shared culture across Peacekeeper Territories, and they do this by encouraging other species to pick up these principles as their own.

Unspoken Rules

These societal rules are mostly unspoken, rather than being openly taught, they are passed down from one generation to the next in the judgemental eyes of an elder, or a firmly spoken word or name. The expectations are clearly understood by all Peacekeepers.  

Social Standing

"I don't think of myself as a prude, but I do find it disconcerting when visiting other systems that other peoples don't have an understanding of social standing.   Upon landing in Victor, a Vkan put a paw on my shoulder and called me his 'pal'. I have never been more insulted in my life. I am not now, nor will I ever be someone's 'pal'. It's just not dignified."  
— Extract from Travelling To Victory: An Exploration of Victalis System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly
  Peacekeepers take social standing very seriously. They have a strong sense of hierarchy, which is understood from an early age. Generally speaking this standing comes from three separate areas, in this order:  
  1. Alliance Position
  2. If someone works within The Alliance, or within a branch of The Alliance, there is a built in hierarchy on place. They outrank anyone who does not work within The Alliance.  
  3. Power and Influence
  4. Next the amount of power and influence someone has is always considered. For example, a Truthseeker from the Media Outlets might be low on the hierarchy, but they have the power to ruin a person's career, which gives them a higher status.  
  5. Experience
  6. It is important to notice that this isn't age. While age is a consideration, it's the amount of experience and intelligence someone is able to share that gives them status.


There are various standards which are expected within Peacekeeper culture. These standards, for the most part, come from Primian culture, but as with all of it they are influenced by the other ethnicities within the P'Ache Solar System.  

Standards of Dress

It is expected that when someone is in public they are dressed in such a way that their sexual organs are covered. That doesn't necessarily include mammary glands, and is more focused on those used for reproduction.   Generally speaking, it is expected that a person is mostly covered up when they are at any kind of event, working or in a formal setting. In a more casual setting, this rule is relaxed, but there is an idea of being "presentable" even then. This means that no matter the situation, a person has to appear to have made an effort with their appearance.  

Youthful Glow

While age and experience come with a level of respect, there is an admiration for a youthful appearance. People will boast about their age, with the expected response, "I would never have guessed. I would have thought you were 10 years younger at least." or words to that effect.   People from P'Ache Solar System spend large amounts of credits on treatments which will stop or reverse signs of aging.

Standards of Behaviour

It is expected, when a person is in public, that they will behave in a certain way. This means being respectful of other people, and paying attention to the hierarchies mentioned in previous sections.   There are expected levels of decorum, for example, language is kept polite, at a reasonable volume, and there should be no unexpected outbursts.  

Standards of Self

It is expected that people exibit a certain standard of personality and self as well. A person is expected to demonstrate intelligence, this includes not admitting if they don't know something but rather diverting the conversation in a different direction. A person should be forward-focused and always have a project, aim or goal that they are working towards. They should be able to speak to the value they are bringing to The Alliance.  

Social Gatherings

Social gatherings within Peacekeeper society have their own set of rules, and are a serious business. Even the most casual of social gathering has some expectations of both the hosts and the guests.   In the situation where there is not necessarily a "host" because the gathering is being held at a public location, then the individual organising the event plays the part of the host.  

Expectations of Hosts

A good host always feeds their guests, and provides suitable beverages for the species they have invited. The host should make sure there are toilet facilities and that their guests are comfortable at all times.

Expectations of Guests

Guests are expected to provide a gift to the host in line with the formality of the gathering. For example, an informal gathering may warrent a small consumable gift, where as something more formal would prompt something longer lasting.

Expectations of Conversation

In addition to the above, both guests and hosts are expected to abide the rules of polite conversation. This includes not swearing, or using impolite language, as well as the following items which should never be discussed in any kind of social situation:  
  • History

  • Anything which happened more than a year ago is considered History, and is not of interest in society. Talking about something which happened in the past is considered the sign of a regressive mind. There are, of course, times when history is acceptable, but these times are more or less restricted to the classroom or business conversations, and even then only when absolutely required.  
  • Questioning The Alliance

  • Questioning The Alliance is obviously simply not done. Why would anyone want to question them anyway? There is nothing to question.  
  • Death and The Dead

  • Death is a terribly vulgar subject, and is not something to be raised unless a person is openly mourning in a predetermined time and place. For example, within the confines of a Minoran Death Words ceremony it is expected, but if the death is not the subject of the gathering, it should not be discussed.   Likewise, when a person is dead they are dead and no longer of value to The Alliance, and no longer worth discussing in a social setting.  
  • Disagreements

  • It is considered rude to openly disagree with someone. There are, of course, differences of opinion, and they may be stated openly and freely. Equally it is acceptable to query someone's opinion, but to state that you believe that someone is wrong is very vulgar. Everyone is an individual, and is, therefore, entitled to an opinion.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Command, P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Academy
Culture PA Standard Commands, Peace Treaty Process, Primian, Majoran, Macran, Minoran, Peacekeeper
Planets P'Ache Prime, P'Ache Major, P'Ache Minor, P'Ache Micro
Territories Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Solar System


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