Song of Words Myth in P'Ache | World Anvil

Song of Words


The Song of Words is a childrens song, said to have originated in the Laykan Bay area of Vellikka. The lyrics and catchy rhythm have been spread across the country by Travelling Vaults from the Story Vault, as it helps their cause.    The lyrics vary slightly from village to settlement, but the most common are:  
There once was a time, before, before
When warts were more than sore, than sore
For people died
While others cried
While the mighty sea did roar, did roar
Then came the storyteller, teller
With words as soft as leather, leather
They told us true
Just what to do
Changing our whole world forever, forever
Now we sing of the sweet vale, sweet vale
Whose blossoms will keep us hale, us hale
Thanks to stories
Of others glories
We are no longer so frail, so frail
We love those who tell their lore, their lore
So we learn what came before, before
And do not make
The same mistakes
And know why the mighty sea roars, sea roars. 

Historical Basis

The song is about the formation of Storytellers and the Story Vault. It tells of a time when vast numbers of people across Vellikka were dying of Weeping Warts, and none could find a cure. Someone near Stron on the south coast accidentally discovered that adding Sweet Vale flowers to a broth and feeding it to someone suffering with these warts actually cured the sickness. Several people, calling themselves Storytellers, began travelling around the land, telling of this cure and helped to save the lives of many many people.    It was this that caused the understanding of the importance of information sharing, and on this principle the Story Vault was formed.
Date of First Recording
Date of Setting
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