Stormburst Physical / Metaphysical Law in P'Ache | World Anvil


"A Stormburst is truly a terrifying and powerful thing. I have seen many in my time. I've never been fool enough to leave the safety of the Mantle to go and look at one up close though."
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly


Stormbursts are a phenomena specific to P'Ache Prime in P'Ache Solar System. While they have been known to occur across the planet, they are most frequently found on Teras, the largest of the four continents.   Unexpected stormbursts have been known to happen throughout the year, however, they most commonly bookend The Darkness, the third and shortest season on Teras which runs for the final five to six weeks of the year.


Stormbursts are brought on by an increased number of electrical storms which, due to the chemical makeup of the atmosphere on P'Ache Prime, intensify rather than dissipating over time, drawing towards each other until two or more collide.  
To the outside observer, you can feel a stormburst approaching before you see it. Changes in atmospheric pressure can cause a feeling of tightness and noises begin to sound hollow approximately 3 - 6 minutes before impact. During this time the number of lightning strikes intensifies and the ground begins to shake. At the point of collision, there is a blinding flash of white and green light and a noise so loud it can be felt in your teeth. This has been known to last for as long as several minutes and can occur as many as 8 or 9 times in quick succession depending on the number of storms colliding.


The impact of a stormburst can be devastating. The area within a few miles of where the stormburst took place is usually scorched and shaken, which can lead to earthquakes, rockfalls, avalanches and wildfires. To anyone watching, the effect can be equally long-lasting. Many have been known to be blinded by looking directly at a stormburst. Those with any kind of physical health condition are advised to remain indoors during times when stormbursts are most likely to occur, as the sound has been known to cause deafness and interfere with medical enhancements a person may have.  


There are regularly a thousand or so deaths a year caused by people getting too close to an oncoming stormburst, or having a bodily function fail as a result of their proximity. They have been known to cause strokes, heart attacks and seizures in people who otherwise seemed healthy but did not survive to tell the tale.


Despite the number of deaths caused by stormbursts (or perhaps because of them) millions of tourists flock every year to witness the spectacle, certain that they will not fare as badly as others have before them. This is, in part, due to the large number of references to stormbursts throughout Primian and Peacekeeper culture and history.

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Locations Upper Prime, Teras, P'Ache Prime, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
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Upper Prime, Teras, P'Ache Prime
Annual Deaths (4747 PT)
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1,043 (estimated)



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