
"I know it is commonly said that challenge builds endurance and never has there been a clearer example of this than the continent which birthed an empire. Teras is one of the least habitable continents I have ever encountered and yet it is home to Upper Prime, the centre of the Peacekeeper Alliance."  
— Extract from Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Solar System
by Peacekeeper V'Kly


Teras is the largest of the four continents on P'Ache Prime in P'Ache Solar System and is also the most treacherous. It has three large mountain ranges which were once the only protection the Primians had from the perilous weather.  



Electrical storms are common on Teras. They are the cause of several thousand on-planet deaths a year, between 25% and 40% of which occur during the two stormbursts that bookend the season known as The Darkness.  
Physical / Metaphysical Law | Jul 12, 2024
The weather on Teras is unarguably the worst on P'Ache Prime. There are storms which occur several times a day and torrential rain is more common than not. There are three seasons;  
  • The Burdens
  • The dryest of the three seasons. Rain is likely to be lighter and only last for a handful of days at a time.  
  • The Floods
  • The wettest of the seasons. Rain occurs daily, and actually happens more often than the storms.  
  • The Darkness
  • Starts and ends with a stormburst, but the weather is generally milder for the 5 weeks this season lasts.
  The inclement weather can often be so extreme as to cause shifts and shakes of the ground itself, which causes more hazards. Blue sky days are so rare that when they happen, people are often too shocked to continue as normal and things in many cities on Teras grind to a halt.


Early Age
The people who lived on Teras inhabited caves under the mountains, venturing out only during The Darkness, when the sky was clear enough of storms to be considered safe.
War Age
The people here developed the Mantles and started living above ground, during which contests for ownership of land became the focus. Teras was the centre of this battleground for 18 of the 39 factions. By the end of this age, everyone joined together to become the Primians, and Upper Prime became the capital of the planet.
Industrial Age
Primians focused their efforts on advancement and industry and started finding ways to take advantage of the natural resources on Teras. This resulted in large swathes of otherwise healthy countryside being destroyed, and the atmosphere worsened, making the storms far worse.
Space Age
Having destroyed a lot of their own planet, they began exploring the solar system and looking for ways to take minerals and resources from elsewhere.
Expansion Age
While the Primians were planning their expansion to other parts of the P'Ache Solar System, Upper Prime was often the first part of the planet visiting dignatories would see.

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Culture Peacekeeper, Pachian
Locations P'Ache Prime, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
Organisations P'Ache Prime Media Outlets, Peacekeeper Alliance
Location under
Included Locations
Owning Organization
Inhabiting Species


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