Testimonial 2.49-A

"There are few things more important to any Emissary than their Testimonial 2.xx. It is integral to their method, and it is paramount for their superiors and their colleagues in the Executive Assistant Branch of Peacekeeper Command.   If something goes wrong in the negotiations, and it was not recorded by the Testimonial, then there is no hope of learning from what happened or truly understanding where it went wrong.   If something goes very right in the negotiations, and it was not recorded by the Testimonial, then any chance of recognition or glory is lost."  
— Extract from Your Word Is Not Enough; Building A Sustainable and Useful Treaty
by Peacekeeper M'Plisk  


The Testimonial was originally invented as part of a Sketch Day on P'Ache Major, in which Majoran children submit ideas and designs to a group of experts in the hope that theirs will be financed and made. It was sumbitted by a child who struggled with remembering the chores which were expected of them by their parents, so they wanted a method for recording the instructions in three dimensions.


The Testimonial allows the recording of the sound and three dimensional movement and imagery of anything which occurs within a 30ft radius of the device. The recording does not include anything which happens beyond an object which is more than half a foot thick.   It will record for up to 12 hours at a go, and longer if the device is provided with an alternate power source and data storage space.   Once stored, the recording can be replayed from the device as a three dimensional hologram. The recording is not interactive, but can be used for investigating details which would not otherwise be noticed in the moment.  

Version Variations


  • Recording sound
  • Recording 3D images
  • 30ft radius range
  • 12 hours memory
  • Replay ability


In addition to everything in v1.xx:
  • Recording atmospheric changes and vibrations
  • Recording temperatures
  • 45ft radius range
  • 20 hours memory
  • Add notes to replays
  • Automatic transcriptions of recordings


The manufacture of the Testimonial takes place on the factory planet of P'Ache Alter, a non-habitable planet within the P'Ache Solar System. Instructions for their construction are transmitted to the automatons on the planet by the Peacekeepers within Peacekeeper Efficiency from their base in Space Station One.   As Testimonials are only available for people working within the Peacekeeper Alliance, they are not sold, and their manufacture is funded by The Alliance.   When a new version is created, the old version is immediately returned to P'Ache Alter so that the components can be re-used for future developments.

Social Impact

The introduction of the Testimonial to Peacekeeper Command and more specifically Peacekeeper Democracy was a game changer. It allowed Emissaries to record accurately every detail of treaty negotiations, without the subjectivity of a report from the Emissary (which, of couse, would be expected as well).   The recordings have been used as training materials. Examples of both exemplary and negative behaviour are able to be projected to classes within Peacekeeper Academy, and disected in great detail.

Related Articles

Organisations Peacekeeper Alliance, Peacekeeper Command, Peacekeeper Diplomacy, Peacekeeper Efficiency, Peacekeeper Integrity
People Peacekeeper, Pachian, Majoran
Locations Peacekeeper Territories, P'Ache Solar System, P'Ache Major
Result of a Majoran Sketch Day
Access & Availability
Widely used within The Alliance. Not available to those outside this organisation.
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Jan 5, 2024 02:43 by Devin

I love this piece of sci-fi tech! The way the article is written it feels like a quick glimpse into the role of the Peacekeepers as well, and the article itself is just beautifully laid out. Very nice.

Jan 5, 2024 08:03 by Elspeth

Thank you so much for reading and for the feedback! I really appreciate it. <3

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