Travels Through My System: An Exploration of P'Ache Star System: Introduction

This is the Introduction to the book 'Travels Through My System' by Peacekeeper V'Kly. Published 4731PT

As this is my first book, and I have never written an introduction before, I must start by thanking you for taking the time to read this, and ask you to bear with me.

I asked my son, an avid reader, what I should include in my introduction. And his advice was to tell you more about what you can expect to find in this book.

I do, of course, love my son, and I trust his judgement. But the contents of this book is a lot of me, so I thought it best, instead, to use this introduction to give you a little background into yours truly. If you choose skip this, that would be understandable, but I'd like to think that knowing a little about the narrator will help you to understand not only how but why this book came to be.

Since I was a boy, I have been staring up at the stars and longing for adventure. As a young Primian, I knew there was only one place I wanted to be, and one place I wanted to work. I could imagine myself walking the halls of Space Station One, giving instructions, and making decisions, before setting off across the galaxy to some far-flung planet to restore order.

Well, dear reader, as you have picked up this book it is likely you know what came to pass.

Of the 3 million who applied to the esteemed Peacekeeper Academy in the year 4678 PT, I was one of the lucky 4,000 students to be accepted. And after six long years of study I took a position in P'Ache Command and was finally on my way to the hallowed halls of Space Station One.

By the time I transfered and was working within Peacekeeper Integrity, I was living on The Station, and regularly travelling across the galaxy, to different corners of the Peacekeeper Territories and talking to people that as a boy I couldn't even have imagined.

It is a truly bizzare universe, reader. If you are not lucky enough to have seen it for youself, take my word for it. There are species, cultures and planets far beyond the imagination of even the most ponderous Minoran. The stories I could tell... but my publishers tell me to save those for another book.

I'll be honest, dear reader, as wonderous as those travels were, and they were extrodinary, it was a relief to be appointed to the position of Head of Integrity because it meant I would be spending the rest of my career on Space Station One. To have a single place to call home, and not have to worry about the perils of inter-solar system travel was a blessing. Until, of course, it wasn't.

In 4727 PT, I retired from Peacekeeper Integrity, and for the first few months I spent time with my family on P'Ache Prime. I love them, I do. But there is only so long I can spend with them and remain sane. I have no doubt they feel the same way about me.

So it won't surprise you, that when the idea struck me to write a book I jumped on that project like a randy Lcha. The question was, as it always is, what to write about. It wasn't too long before inspiration hit.

Never has there ever been, nor will there ever be, anywhere like the P'Ache Solar System.

I have been lucky enough to travel far and wide on behalf of The Alliance, but of all the places I have visited, my home system remains a cut above the rest. There is a reason it's considered the heart of the Peacekeeper Alliance, and it's certainly captured my heart.

Thus this book. This is part love-letter to my home system, and part excuse to revisit some of these planets. So here we go, dear reader; everything you need to know about P'Ache Solar System, from the highs to the lows and everything in between.

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Dec 31, 2023 22:55 by Ephraïm Boateng

This was a really nice read! Nice character backstory!

Jan 1, 2024 10:42 by Elspeth

Thank you! <3

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