Vont Earring


A vont earring gets its name from the hawk whose feathers make up the item. The vont earring is a controversial item which originates from Rakan, the largest continent on P'Ache Micro and home of Nuskan.  

Gift from a predator

The Vont Hawk is a well-respected part of Macran history and culture.   Its feathers are a unique colour which should make it stand out in the swamps of P'Ache Micro, but from beneath they are camouflaged against the sky and are some of the most deadly predators on the planet.


Once a suitable feather is selected, the end of the quill is filed down and rounded off. Next, a thin metal wire is wrapped around the rounded quill and soldered before the remaining wire is moulded into a hook.   Sometimes beads are attached to the top of the quill, and occasionally it is created as a stud rather than a hook, depending on the weight of the feather and the materials available.


The earring is a gender-neutral item, and generally only one is worn through a pre-existing hole in the lobe of the person's ear.  

Social Importance

While to some this may appear little more than a fashionable trinket or accessory, the vont earring has a long and varied history.

Pre-271 PT

The vont hawk has always been seen as a powerful predator by the Macrans, and as such earrings made from their feathers were seen as luxury and high-value items. There was a time when the only people allowed to wear a vont hawk earring were those who were able to bring down a bird themselves. This was later seen as wasteful, as it caused a rise in the number of birds hunted and the usefulness of its carcus was limited.   However, by 271 PT, the vont earring was a staple of Macran life and was seen as a sign of connection with the world around them, rather than a hunter's trophy.

271 PT - 357 PT

In 271 PT, the treaty with the Primians was signed, and they implemented a ban on "unhygenic and depraved activities", which included inserting parts of animals through holes in a person's body. The vont earring was one of many elements of Macran culture which suffered under this ban.   As a result, during both the The First Micro Rebellion and The Second Micro Rebellion, vont earrings were worn by the resistance as a middle finger to the Primians for trying to keep them down and take away their connection to their world.

Modern Day

Four thousand years after the Micro Rebellions, the history and significance of the vont earring are lost to most, and for those outside of P'Ache Micro it is merely a beautiful remnant of the planet's past. As a result, there are very few made. They are considered rare on P'Ache Micro and virtually non-existent off-planet.   However, there are still those living on the planet who pass down their culture from generation to generation, sharing the knowledge of how the earring is made and ensuring their children never forget the true importance of the vont earring.

Related Articles

Materials Vont Hawk
Locations Ecosystem of Nuskan Swamps, 271 PT, Nuskan, P'Ache Micro, P'Ache Solar System, Peacekeeper Territories
Species Macran, Primian
History The First Micro Rebellion, The Second Micro Rebellion
Item type
Jewelry / Valuable
Very rare
3g - 5g
1in - 3in long


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May 14, 2024 22:01 by Dr Emily Vair-Turnbull

Such a cool piece of lore for your world. It's sad that they now really rare.

Emy x
Explore Etrea
May 18, 2024 13:58 by Elspeth

Thank you! <3

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