Warmers Technology / Science in P'Ache | World Anvil



  The blanket emits additional heat. It warms the wearer up within seconds and acts as an almost instant towel as well, drying the person or object in less than a second, as though it were absorbing the water into itself.  


  The Vellich discovered the Warmers in Place of Spirits across Vellikka, not aware that the blanket like technology had been left behind by the Jakunguh after they failed to make the planet the next great holiday destination. The Vellich believe it was left behind by the Great Spirit (see Where The Spirits Come From) as a gift.   The heating and drying technology was actually discovered many millennia before and was considered old hat.  


  Across the universe, "warmers" - as they are known by the Vellich - are readily available. They are as common place as towels, and there are more in the Peacekeeper Alliance  than there are people.   On Vellikka, they are more scarce. Eight main caches of Warmers were found in Places of Spirits across the planet. There are a total of 218 Warmers on planet.  


  To the Vellich, the Warmers are gifts from the spirits, the technology so far beyond anything they could ever realise.   For those in the Peacekeeper Alliance, the technology is accepted as standard. No-one spends a lot of time thinking about how they work, it's just the norm.
It was found in the Place of Spirits.
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