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Kukai Island

The kukai continent

Here is where all of the adventures take place for the kukai (for now). It is said in myths and legends that the first kukai tribes were born from the great mountain of the north, Alikamui. But after following the lead of Oal, the prophet, the kukai traveled south and into the jungle to find a new land, becoming the followers of Oal-Mer.   Old stories, mysteries and secrets lie all across the island, but only few kukai dare venture away from their utopia, beyond the limits of the known world.


The Kukai Island is a landmass with over 720,000 km2 of area; similar in shape and size to the island of Borneo on Earth. It is mostly a green landscape, with few exceptions on northeastern regions. Hills and mountains lie in the center, expanding towards the vast forests that exist across the island. Some smaller islands can be found near the eastern shores.   There are two great mountains in the islands: Alikataam in the south and Alikamui in the north, the latter being the biggest one of them. Both formations have served the kukai as a reference point for travelers. Many of the rivers across Kukai Island are born from either one of these mountains.


TROPICAL RAIN FOREST   Can be found in southern regions such as Katumi Amut, Goodlands and Alikataam Jungle. Forests surrounding the eastern side of Alikataam are also part of this biome, although vegetation changes at higher elevations.   SUBTROPICAL RAINFOREST   Higher regions, usually close to rivers, found within the tropical rain forest.   SUBTROPICAL DRY FOREST   Most of the Kukai Island belongs to this type biome, although it has a stronger presence in northwestern regions: Windy Highlands, Four Rivers and Northern Steppes.   GRASSY SAVANNA   This biome is only present in the northeastern region of the island and nearby mountainous terrain in the north. Kukapue Amut is entirely constituted by grassy savanna, which also expands to the borders with North Green and Sea of Mountains.   XERIC SHRUBLANDS   This is a small region only found within the grassy savanna. The kukai know this place as the Alikamui Forest, believe to be homeland of the first kukai to ever exist.

Ecosystem Cycles

Precipitation is common in the whole island, but it has stronger presence in tropical and subtropical regions of the south. While weather stays relatively the same throughout the year, with a warm-wet climate in the south and slightly drier days in the north, there are some variations in the different biomes of Kukai Island.
TROPICAL RAIN FOREST   Average annual temperature is around 24°C, with a minimum of 16°C at high altitudes and a maximum 32°C near the shore. The biggest change happens during winter, the last two months according to the kukai calendar. During this short period temperatures may drop by 4-8°C depending on precipitation and wind currents.   SUBTROPICAL RAINFOREST   Weather in this biome stays relatively the same throughout the year, although it may reach higher temperatures during mid-summer, during the months of Xukio and Atui pupaili according to the kukai calendar. Highest temperatures may surpass the 34°C during hot summers, while the minimum usually stays around 17°C at higher altitudes.   SUBTROPICAL DRY FOREST   Considerably less precipitation than the rain forests, with an average temperature of 20°C, a minimum of 12°C and maximum of 28°C. Weather remains temperate most of the year, with lower temperatures during winter and sometimes through the first days of spring. Northern regions of this biome are usually drier and with slightly less precipitation, while southern regions have stronger wind currents and more wet climate.   GRASSY SAVANNA   Low precipitation levels and and a drier climate. Temperatures on lower altitudes may reach up to 36°C and last most of the summer. Mountains and hills in this biome have the lowest temperatures in the whole island, from 8°C during winter to 10°C for the rest of the year. Average temperature is usually around 24°C and 26°C.   XERIC SHRUBLANDS   Low precipitation and dry weather results in lack of both vegetation and fauna. Average temperature is 28°, with few variations during the day. This biome has low steppes and many plains, which means altitude is not a decisive factor for either weather or temperature changes. The minimum temperature of the xeric shrublands is 4°C during the night, sometimes -1°C during winters.


It is believed that eight birds flew around the world carrying the seeds of the elder trees, the ones to grow the first forests. The Kukai Tueshalik refers to these trees as the rulers and protectors of other species; plants and animals living on either one of the eight forests. But a new forest would be born in this island, made from the dreams and tears of the northern mountain, Alikamui. In this forest the kukai would be born, by the will of the mountain, as children of ash and clay.   According to ancient kukai lore, Alikamui once threw fire stones into the sky, shaking the land with all its anger. This means that the great mountain of the north is actually a volcano. However, no other activity of this kind was ever witnessed or written in books by the kukai. Some may assume that Oal-Mer is actually preventing anything like this from happening, although most of the kukai share the idea that Alikamui has finally found peace, knowing that its children (the kukai) are safe.
Alternative Name(s)
Kukai Continent
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