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Followers of Oal-Mer

The name "followers of Oal-Mer" is the official way of calling the Kukai society. Some travelers from other worlds have given this society the name of "kukai theocracy", as their culture is deeply based on their religion. However, such a name isn't actually used by the kukai, who perceive themselves as traditional people rather than religious. In any case, they show great devotion to their professions, beliefs and society. This is why the kukai find it hard to progress in more technological and scientific aspects; they consider the preservation of their culture (and the utopia) a higher priority.


Though there are no actual rulers or authorities in the Kukai culture, the Nurikai are considered spiritual leaders and also representatives for each village. Their role is of a more religious and somewhat political nature. On the other hand, the Nur are in charge of either public administration, education or overall social/religious affairs.   Besides their duty as fighters for the combat rituals, those in the Mer profession commonly help others when there's a lack of workforce. The kukai of this profession tend to be generalists, though few of them are considered "dedicated fighters" who spend all of their time training for combat rituals. The Mer are usually the first option for the Nur when they need to get something done.


The most important aspects of Kukai society are the following:
  • Profession: The kukai choose a profession for a lifetime. Such decision comes after a (usually) long personal journey to find purpose in life and a way to contribute to society. This also ends with the realization that, no matter what they choose, a kukai must always be willing to help others in some way.
  • Ushakai: This is a kukai word which could be translated as "life purpose" or "reason to live", though it has a deeper meaning in their culture. The kukai consider their ushakai sacred, almost divine, as it represents their main source of motivation, happiness and inspiration. It is common that a kukai's profession is also their ushakai.
  • Oal-Mer: The deity of the kukai. Though some people may also worship the prime spirits, every kukai is considered a "follower of Oal-Mer". This deity is not perceived as a ruler, but rather as a savior and as the guide to a life of harmony, which is why the kukai will always consider it the only "true" god of their religion.
  • Tradition: As the kukai would say, their lifestyle is one of the greatest blessings given by their god, Oal-Mer. This is why they value tradition and always keep it as priority before making any kind of technological progress and/or social change. Naturally, some kukai may be more or less traditional than others, but they all agree that tradition is what has allowed them to live in an utopia.


During the Ancient Era, the Kukai roamed the lands of Kukapue Amut as a number of nomadic tribes. They were originally hunters that eventually founded villages when agriculture became a common practice. The only exception to this was the Nur tribe, which remained as a group of nomadic hunters.   When most settlements became dependent on agricultural produce, the kukai started to be hunted by an ancient alpha predator species, the Pakai. These creatures were violent and bloodthirsty, lacking any emotion besides hunger. It was then when the prophet Oal, from the Nur tribe, led the kukai against their new enemy. He united all other kukai settlements forming The grand tribe. Together they finally defeated the pakai, but only after losing many of their own people including the prophet.   Following the last prophecy of Oal, the kukai traveled to the tropical rain forest, where they would find a Paiko Mutikai at The sacred lake, signifying the beginning of a new life. On their arrival, Oal-Mer appeared before the kukai and they accepted it as their new god.   This is how the "followers of Oal-Mer" were born. They would create a new village with the name of their deity, Oalmer, near the Alikataam River.

Demography and Population

The followers of Oal-Mer include all of the Kukai, which means they live in Kukai Amut. There are seven kukai villages:  
  • Oalmer: The kukai capital. First and most important of all villages.
  • Pukamut: A village focused on woodcraft and the most similar to the capital.
  • Kukanpuke: The village of great infrastructure and house of the Tatar profession.
  • Amutikali: A small settlement the kukai use to rest and find inspiration.
  • Batayaam: An artificial island at The great lake that is entirely dedicated to agricultre.
  • Utokaam: The mining village is a very small settlement with great smiths.
  • Oalnur: This is the smallest village, mostly dedicated to studying science and magic.
  The global kukai population is around 5,000 people, with almost 48% of them living in the capital, Oalmer. Pukamut houses around 21% of the population while Kukanpuke has almost 16%. The remaining settlements have very small population. Oalnur and Utokaam may become abandoned from time to time, mostly because of the lack of food or during important celebrations.

Harmony and tradition

Geopolitical, Theocracy
Alternative Names
Kukai theocracy, kukai society, the kukai of Oal-Mer
Government System
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Judicial Body
Though the Kukai don't have any actual laws, customs and tradition could be considered a close equivalent. Because of this, people of the Mer, the Nur and the Nurikai professions are may be considered as "exemplary kukai".   The kukai Tueshalik also serves as a guide to understand and learn the kukai culture. It is taught to children and young people by the Nur, sometimes with their own interpretation or a focus on the topics they consider more relevant.
Executive Body
Just like the "judicial body", executive power is not at all defined in Kukai culture. Since there is no crime in any of their villages, there is no need to enforce the law. If anything, people in the Mer profession may be considered protectors for travelers, foragers and sometimes adventurers, since they are the only ones trained for combat. Besides that, customs and tradition are the best guides and "enforcers" of kukai culture.
Official State Religion
Permeated Organizations
Official Languages
Related Professions
Manufactured Items
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