Cursed Mountains Half-Giant

Basic Information


Half-Giants have massive strength and durable body from their ancestors - giants. Most of their weight are muscles.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Growth Rate & Stages

They can live up to twice the length of human. They are adult around the age of 18. The older, the stronger. This allows them to die at the maximum of their potential.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Ecology and Habitats

They love cold - it's totally normal for them to live around -20 Celsius. However, heat above 25 Celsius is great deal for them and anything above 40 Celsius is deadly environment.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Dietary Needs and Habits

Their great size makes them great eaters. They eat twice that much as normal humans.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Additional Information

Social Structure

Each village have it's own shaman - they respect him as their own king. Shaman is also considered to be chosen by Odin - if he loses eye during his live, he is considered ascended.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Facial characteristics

They love tattoos, and wear skins from animals, simple armors with fur. However during warmer days they don't wear armor because of its heat.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They can be found in smaller villages in the entire Cursed Mountains.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Average Intelligence

They are quite smart, however their live in smaller communities made them ignorant to social contructs and belives of normal folk.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Civilization and Culture

Beauty Ideals

They have really similar beuty ideas as orcs - stronger man is always better looking. From women there is expectancy to have large breast and auburn hair in braids.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They can speak only Giant. Which makes communication quite difficult, however they are fast learners so I was able to teach their shaman Common in few months.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Culture and Cultural Heritage

They call dragons "Ancient" - they consider them manifestation of death and evil. However they don't know others then white ones.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Rituals are their daily bread. They make few rituals each week just to honor their god. Don't do ritual before battle means evil omen - probably losing the battle.

Common Taboos

Killing a raven or crow is terrible crime punishable by death.

Cursed Mountains Half-Giant

ability score increase: Strength: +3, Charisma: +1, Inteligence: -2
age: 200 - 300
alignment: usually good
Size: Medium
speed: 35 ft
Languages: Giant
race features:
Holmgang: +1 damage on each attack the half-giant chooses in bonus action. You can spend your reaction to run equal to your movement speed after the target.

Large body: +1 HP for each level. Also you can reroll ones on hitdice during level up and while healing using hit dices.

Cold Resistance: You have resistance to cold damage and ignore Extreme Weather Condition. You can ignore difficult terrain in snow.

Heat sensitivity: You have disadvantage on saving throws against Extreme Heat Weather condition.
Growing in Strength: For each 5 levels you gain additional +1 Strength and +1 Constitution. 
Average Physique
They have masive bodybuilds strengthen by living in Cursed Mountains.
- From: Races by Elenor Tan II
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