Emperor of Al'takar

Currently there is no Emperor of Al'takar. Last was slain in 309 during event called The Long Night.   Alternatively, now there are three kingdoms - Ssassoth, The Rebellion and Old Empire, each of them having this rank replaced by different regimes.   Neither of following organizations replaced Emperor permanently and all solutions are seen as temporary. They also didn't replace subordinate functions as every inhabitant of Al'takar is used to the way it works.  


Ssassoth replaced Emperor by five powerful leaders who each act as dictators. They all have absolute power and only in disagreement, they vote.  

The Rebellion

The Rebellion choose democratic way and founded The Council. The Council is created by 10 members who are most influencial, powerful and active in ongoing businesses of the Rebellion.  

Old Empire

Old Empire hasn't replaced the Emperor rank yet so currently it is led by Amirs.


The Emperor of Al'takar holds a divine mandate, believed to be chosen by the god Sset himself to ascend to the throne. This sacred selection marks the Emperor as the divine representative of the serpent deity, instilling in them an air of divine authority and spiritual connection. Additionally, the Emperor's parentage plays a significant role in their qualifications, as it is expected that their lineage be of pure serpent blood, a direct descendant of ancient and revered serpent kings. This hereditary aspect ensures continuity in the divine lineage of the rulers of Al'takar.


To become Emperor, an individual must undergo a series of rituals and trials to prove their worthiness and connection to the divine. These rituals are shrouded in mystery, known only to the highest-ranking members of the priesthood and the most trusted advisors of the current Emperor. Throughout these rigorous tests, the candidate must demonstrate their knowledge, wisdom, and unwavering loyalty to the teachings of Sset. Once deemed suitable by the religious authorities and approved by the Council of Serpents, the candidate is officially recognized as the rightful heir to the throne.


The appointment of the Emperor is a momentous occasion, presided over by the High Priest of Sset and witnessed by the most influential figures of Al'takar. The new Emperor is anointed with sacred oils and blessed by the High Priest, symbolizing the divine approval of their ascension to the throne. A grand ceremony is held, attended by nobles, military commanders, and representatives from across the realm, who swear allegiance to the newly crowned Emperor. This formal appointment solidifies their position as the supreme ruler of Al'takar.


As Emperor, the individual assumes the weighty responsibility of upholding the ancient traditions and customs of the serpent-worshipping civilization. They are the spiritual leader of the nation, tasked with ensuring the preservation of the divine teachings of Sset and overseeing religious ceremonies and rituals. Additionally, the Emperor is the highest authority in all matters of governance, serving as the ultimate decision-maker on political and administrative affairs. They must strive to maintain order, justice, and prosperity across the land, upholding the legacy of their divine lineage.


The Emperor shoulders the burden of safeguarding the nation from external threats and internal discord. They are the protector of Al'takar, leading its armies in times of war and defending its borders against potential invaders. It is the Emperor's solemn duty to ensure the welfare of their subjects, promoting economic growth, and addressing the needs of the people. They are also expected to arbitrate disputes and conflicts, acting as the ultimate judge in legal matters and delivering fair and just verdicts.


The position of Emperor comes with immense benefits and privileges. They are the ultimate authority in Al'takar, wielding considerable power and influence over its people and territories. The Emperor resides in opulent palaces, surrounded by a retinue of loyal servants and advisors. They have access to the kingdom's vast wealth and resources, using them to further their ambitions and the prosperity of the realm. The Emperor is treated with the utmost respect and reverence, considered divine in the eyes of their followers, and their decisions are rarely questioned, as they are believed to be guided by the will of Sset himself.

Accoutrements & Equipment

The Emperor of Al'takar is adorned with elaborate and ornate ceremonial attire befitting their divine status. One of the most distinctive accouterments of the Emperor is the "Serpentine Crown," a majestic headpiece adorned with precious gemstones and intricately crafted to resemble a coiling serpent, symbolizing the divine connection to the god Sset. The Serpentine Crown is passed down from one Emperor to the next, signifying the continuation of the divine lineage.   In addition to the Serpentine Crown, the Emperor wears a magnificent ceremonial robe known as the "Robes of Divinity." These robes are crafted from luxurious fabrics in deep shades of green and gold, symbolizing the colors associated with serpents in Al'takar's culture. The robes are embroidered with ancient symbols and serpent motifs, signifying the Emperor's divine connection and their role as the spiritual leader of the realm.   As the ultimate authority in Al'takar, the Emperor is also presented with the "Scepter of Sovereignty." This scepter is a symbol of their temporal power and serves as a staff of authority during official ceremonies and rituals. It is crafted from rare metals and adorned with precious gemstones, further emphasizing the Emperor's regal status.   Beyond the ceremonial attire, the Emperor is often seen wearing various pieces of exquisite jewelry, such as rings, necklaces, and bracelets, each of which carries symbolic meaning or represents various aspects of their rule and divine connection. These jewels are typically crafted from valuable gemstones, including emeralds, sapphires, and rubies, which mirror the vibrant colors of the Serpentine Crown and the Robes of Divinity.   Overall, the Emperor's accouterments and equipment are a testament to their divine authority and the reverence with which they are regarded by the people of Al'takar. Each item serves to reinforce the Emperor's position as the chosen representative of the god Sset and the sovereign ruler of the realm.


The title of Hastati holds a rich and storied history within the ancient Empire of Al'takar. It was first established during the reign of Azalar Ra'Zann I, a visionary Emperor who sought to strengthen the empire's military prowess. The Hastati were an elite group of warriors, handpicked for their exceptional skills and unwavering loyalty to the Emperor.   Under the leadership of the skilled Emperor Malachai Sha'Gara I, the Hastati grew in number and reputation. They became the Emperor's personal guard and were entrusted with protecting the imperial family and the most important regions of the empire. With each successive Emperor, the Hastati continued to play a crucial role in the empire's defense and stability.   During the reign of Selene Nyssar I, the title of Hastati underwent a transformation. Selene recognized the need for a more diverse and inclusive military force, and she expanded the ranks of the Hastati to include soldiers from different regions and races within the empire. This move fostered a sense of unity and loyalty among the diverse troops.   As the centuries passed, the title of Hastati became synonymous with honor, bravery, and unwavering loyalty to the throne. Sylvaris Vex'Kar I and his son Sylvaris Vex'Kar II was last emperor of the original bloodline.  Sylvaris Vex'Kar II wife was unable to provide child so Sylvaris decided to took wife of his loyal bodyguard from the family of Hastati. Sylvaris and Thal'dor - husband of this wife agreed that Thal'dor must leave this kingdom so that nobody can ever tell this story that Vex'Kar took not-noble wife.   When Sylvaris died, it was his son Sylvaris Vex'Kar III who should be the Emperor, however he decided to take name Thal'dor Hastati after husband of his mother. Thal'dor make his mother origin public and had to deal with massive rebellions all over his kingdom, giving him his nickname.