The Rebellion


The Council

The public face of The Rebellion's leadership is the Council. This council comprises influential and respected members from different backgrounds and regions. They appear to discuss and decide on major matters together, providing a semblance of democratic governance.  

Military Command

Under Council's direction, a carefully selected group of military commanders oversee various divisions of The Rebellion's forces. These generals report directly to the Council.  

Diplomatic and Spying Divison

The Council directly controls the diplomatic and intelligence division, as these areas are critical to maintaining control over information flow.  

Public Perception

The Council works diligently to maintain public order and share their goals with the citizens. This concerted effort helps garner support, build alliances, and keep potential spies or enemies guessing.


The rebels' dreams of independence and statehood are interwoven with their vengeful purpose. They believe that by toppling the Yuan-Ti and driving them from their lands, they will lay the foundation for their new nation to rise from the ashes. This aspiration becomes a driving force that propels The Rebellion forward, even in the face of seemingly insurmountable odds.   Their cultural identity is built upon the idea of nation-building, drawing inspiration from past kingdoms and republics that once thrived on the continent. The rebels hold fast to the vision of a land where justice, freedom, and self-determination prevail. They are fueled by the hope that one day their flag will fly high, symbolizing the birth of a new independent state that commands respect and recognition from neighboring nations.   The Rebellion's determination to establish their own state influences their approach to diplomacy and alliances. They seek to build relationships with other factions and nations, presenting themselves not only as warriors of vengeance but also as future leaders of a sovereign entity. They know that to be respected, they must prove themselves capable of not only toppling their oppressors but also of building a stable and prosperous nation in the aftermath.   In this way, The Rebellion's culture is a potent blend of vengeful spirit and aspirational nation-building, driving them toward their ultimate goal of an independent and respected kingdom, standing tall amidst the other nations of the continent.

Public Agenda

The Rebellion's public agenda is defined by a vengeful pursuit of justice and liberation from the oppressive Yuan-Ti rule. Their primary goal is to eradicate the serpent-folk presence from their lands and dismantle the remnants of the Old Empire that collaborated with the tyrants. The Council, representing the face of The Rebellion, advocates for the restoration of sovereignty and the establishment of a new state and kingdom, united by the ideals of justice, equality, and freedom.   The Rebellion's leaders emphasize the vision of a united front, working towards a shared destiny. They call upon their supporters and sympathizers to rally behind the cause, emphasizing that victory against the Yuan-Ti will bring an end to an era of darkness and usher in an era of newfound liberty and hope. Behind this public agenda lies the determination to build a prosperous and respected nation that can stand among equals in the international arena, free from the shadows of oppression and tyranny.


Silver and Gold

The Rebellion has access to hidden treasuries that once belonged to the Yuan-Ti rulers and the fallen Old Empire. These caches of silver and gold are a vital resource, providing funds to pay and sustain their troops, purchase supplies, and finance covert operations.  


Within the territories under their control, The Rebellion utilizes abandoned or repurposed buildings as bases of operation, command centers, and safe houses. Some of these structures were once symbols of Yuan-Ti oppression, now repurposed to serve as rallying points for the rebels and symbols of resistance.  


The Rebellion's military strength is diverse and draws from the various races and factions that support their cause. The ranks of their army are bolstered by freed slaves, former members of the Old Empire's military, and volunteers from other nations sympathetic to their struggle.  

Equipment and Weapons

As they have managed to gain control of key locations, The Rebellion has acquired a significant arsenal of weaponry and equipment. These include traditional arms wielded by their troops, as well as some of the ancient relics and artifacts once hoarded by the Yuan-Ti.  

Ships and Horses

In regions with access to waterways, The Rebellion has commandeered a number of vessels that provide both transportation and naval power. Horses seized from the Yuan-Ti's stables or from Old Empire cavalry units grant them mobility across land and bolster their mounted forces.  

Castles and Fortifications

The Rebellion has taken control of some of the fortresses and strongholds that were once under Yuan-Ti or Old Empire dominion. These castles and fortifications now serve as strategic military bases, providing defensive positions and secure locations for their leaders to plan their next moves.  

Magical Artifacts

As they continue to fight against the Yuan-Ti and explore the ruins left behind by the Old Empire, The Rebellion has come into possession of some powerful magical artifacts. These relics play a crucial role in bolstering their magical capabilities and serve as symbols of hope and inspiration for their followers.


The territory of The Rebellion encompasses a significant portion of the old Al'takar, covering vast stretches of land with diverse landscapes and climates. The exact size of their territory is estimated to be around 6.5 million square kilometers. This extensive area includes deserts, oasis, mountain ranges, plains, and coastlines, providing The Rebellion with a strategic advantage in their fight for independence and freedom. The diverse geography of their territory allows them to utilize various resources and establish fortified positions to withstand the opposition from the Old Empire and other adversaries.

Agriculture & Industry

Dye Production

The Rebellion's territory is blessed with a diverse range of flora, and skilled herbalists and alchemists have mastered the art of extracting vibrant dyes from various plants. These dyes are not only used to craft colorful garments for the rebels but also serve as a valuable trade commodity, providing a source of income to fund their cause.  

Goat Farming

Goat herding is a prominent industry within The Rebellion's territories. Goats provide not only a sustainable source of meat and milk but also their wool is used to create durable fabrics for the rebels' uniforms. Goat farms are strategically located in hidden valleys and remote areas, protected from enemy forces.

Snake Venom Trade

The rebels have developed a unique and secretive industry focused on extracting and processing snake venom. Highly skilled venom hunters capture venomous snakes from the wilderness and carefully extract their venom, which is then sold to alchemists and traders for its valuable properties in crafting potions and poisons.  

Snake-based Dye Production

The Rebellion's artisans have honed a secretive technique of harvesting vibrant dyes from the skin and scales of non-venomous snakes. Through a delicate process, skilled craftsmen extract rare and stunning pigments from these reptiles, creating unique snake-based dyes. These colorful pigments are used to adorn garments, banners, and flags, proudly displaying The Rebellion's symbols with a touch of nature's beauty, symbolizing their resilience and coexistence with the serpentine creatures of their lands.  

Underdark Mining

In the depths of the treacherous Underdark, The Rebellion has established a risky yet rewarding mining operation. Experienced miners brave the perils of the dark abyss to extract precious gems, rare minerals, and valuable metals. These resources are not only a source of wealth but also serve to forge powerful weapons and armor for the elite shadowspawn.


The Rebellion boasts a thriving artisanal community. Skilled blacksmiths, leatherworkers, and weavers create exceptional weapons, armor, and equipment for the rebels. The products of their craftsmanship are highly sought after, both by The Rebellion's forces and by other nations sympathetic to their cause.  

Herbalism and Healing

With the aid of knowledgeable healers and herbalists, The Rebellion utilizes the abundant natural resources to produce potent healing potions and remedies. These play a crucial role in sustaining their forces during prolonged battles and ensuring a swift recovery for wounded fighters.  

Covert Trade Network

Despite facing embargoes and opposition from hostile nations, The Rebellion has managed to establish a covert trade network. Smugglers and secret merchants facilitate the exchange of goods and resources with sympathetic allies beyond their borders, ensuring a steady influx of necessary supplies.


Obsidian Way

Spanning across the entire state, old and new, and connecting the Rebellion, Ssassoth, and the Old Empire, the Obsidian Way is a colossal road network. Protected against lurking monsters, this grand thoroughfare facilitates efficient and secure transportation of people, goods, and information. It serves as a vital lifeline for communication and coordination between the major and most significant locations, while smaller towns and cities are connected through alternative routes, ensuring seamless connectivity throughout the region.  

Architect Guild Innovations

The Architect Guild, renowned for its ingenuity, has revolutionized infrastructure development in The Rebellion's territories. Focusing on enhancing water management, they have devised advanced techniques to elevate food production within cities, ensuring self-sufficiency and prosperity. Among their most remarkable creations, the Architect Guild has designed awe-inspiring structures reminiscent of the Hanging Gardens, further beautifying the cities while bolstering the well-being of their inhabitants.  

Fortified Castles and Border Towers

Throughout their territories, The Rebellion has constructed imposing castles and fortified border towers to defend against potential incursions from hostile forces. These strongholds are equipped with advanced defensive mechanisms and are manned by skilled soldiers, ensuring the safety and security of the populace against external threats.  

Aquaducts and Sewage Systems

The Architect Guild has designed and implemented sophisticated aqueducts and sewage systems to address water scarcity and maintain proper sanitation within The Rebellion's settlements. These engineering marvels channel water from distant sources to quench the thirst of growing populations while efficiently disposing of waste, ensuring a clean and sustainable environment for their citizens.

Unbound in Unity, Forged in Freedom

Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
The Liberators of the Serpent's Yoke
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Leader Title
Government System
Democracy, Parliamentary
Power Structure
Autonomous area
Economic System
Market economy

Defiance Falls

The heart of The Rebellion's territory and their de facto capital. Defiance Falls is a city of resilience and defiance, once a stronghold of the Yuan-Ti, now reclaimed by the rebels. It serves as a symbol of their determination to stand against oppression and tyranny.  

Bastion of Shadows

Situated amidst dense forests and hidden valleys in oasis, Freedom Haven serves as a secret training ground for The Rebellion's special recruits. Here, new members undergo rigorous training in combat, stealth, and survival skills before joining the ranks of the rebellion.  

Valor's Reach

A towering cliffside fortress perched atop a strategic mountains in oasis, Valor's Reach acts as a crucial lookout and defensive position for The Rebellion. It offers a commanding view of the surrounding landscape, enabling the rebels to detect and counter any potential threats from the enemy.  

Serpent's Bane Mines

An abandoned network of mines once exploited by the Yuan-Ti to extract valuable resources. Now under The Rebellion's control, these mines serve as a vital source of silver, gold, and other precious materials that sustain their economy and fund their operations.  

Sentinel's Embrace

A secluded island hidden amid the treacherous waters off the coast, Liberation Isle acts as a safe haven and refuge for escaping slaves and sympathizers. The island's natural defenses make it an ideal sanctuary, and it serves as a strategic base for smuggling operations and covert missions.  

Victory Square

An iconic landmark in Defiance Falls, Victory Square is where The Rebellion gathers to celebrate their triumphs and honor their fallen heroes. It is adorned with banners, relics of the past, and the statues of rebel leaders who inspire courage and determination among the rebels.  

Sentinel Watchtower

A series of watchtowers erected along the borders of The Rebellion's territory. The Sentinel Watchtowers stand as a vigilant line of defense against potential incursions from the Old Empire or the Yuan-Ti, providing early warning and communication between rebel outposts.  

Whispering Oasis

A sprawling, mystical oasis that provides essential resources to The Rebellion. It conceals a wealth of medicinal herbs, wood for crafting, and hides for armor and equipment. It also houses the secret headquarters of The Rebellion's intelligence and spying division.  

Emberforge Citadel

An abandoned dwarven fortress reclaimed by The Rebellion. Emberforge Citadel now serves as their main armory and smithing center, where skilled craftsmen forge weapons, armor, and tools for the rebellion's troops.
Major Exports

Dyes and Textiles

The Rebellion's expertise in dye production from plants and snakes allows them to export vibrant and rare dyes to neighboring regions. Their skilled weavers produce high-quality textiles, including unique garments and banners that bear The Rebellion's symbols, sought after by sympathetic allies and traders.  

Snake-based Dyes

The secret technique of extracting dyes from non-venomous snakes yields rare and stunning pigments. The Rebellion exports these snake-based dyes to distant markets, where their uniqueness and allure garner significant interest and value.  

Herbs and Potions

The Rebellion's herbalists and alchemists harvest and export a variety of medicinal herbs, rare plants, and potent potions. These products are highly regarded for their healing properties and find demand among those in need of powerful remedies.  

Artisan Crafts

The Rebellion's skilled craftsmen create exquisite weapons, armor, and decorative items. These artisan crafts showcase superior craftsmanship and are exported to sympathetic regions, establishing trade ties and garnering support for The Rebellion's cause.  

Exotic Goods

The rebels export unique and rare goods from their territory, such as precious gems, enchanted artifacts, and snake-based products, serving as symbols of their identity and culture.  

Information and Intelligence

The Rebellion, being well-connected and resourceful, exports vital information and intelligence to allies and trading partners, fostering diplomatic relationships and gaining favors in return.
Major Imports

Exotic Metals and Minerals

While The Rebellion engages in mining operations within the perilous Underdark, they still import exotic metals and rare minerals that are not readily available in their territory. These materials are essential for crafting advanced weaponry and armor for their elite forces.  

Luxury Goods

The Rebellion occasionally imports luxury goods such as fine fabrics, jewelry, and rare artifacts to serve as symbols of prestige and appreciation for their allies. These items may also be used as diplomatic gifts or for bartering purposes.  

Advanced Technology

The Rebellion seeks to stay on par with the technological advancements of other nations. They import specialized machinery, devices, and advanced military equipment to bolster their capabilities in the ongoing conflict.  

Magical Items and Artifacts

Despite their strong roots in traditional practices, The Rebellion understands the value of magical items and artifacts. They import enchanted weapons, scrolls, and potions to empower their elite operatives and enhance their chances in critical missions.  

Exotic Herbs and Alchemical Ingredients

The rebels import rare herbs and alchemical ingredients not found in their lands to enrich their healing potions, poisons, and other concoctions, ensuring their healers and alchemists have access to the finest resources.  

Information and Intelligence

The Rebellion sometimes seeks to import information, secrets, and intelligence from sympathetic spies or informants in foreign nations. This helps them stay informed about the movements and plans of their adversaries.
Related Ranks & Titles
Neighboring Nations

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