

Frostwood is a vast and dense forest located within the Thanedom of Runesten. Covering an area of approximatelly 3000 square miles, it is situated near the perilous Glacierfjord, the most dangerous part of the Cursed Mountains. The forest is intersected by the Loimujoki river, which flows through its heart, and lies just 25 miles away from the sea on eastern side, providing a unique mix of inland and coastal ecosystems.


Pohjolametsä is steeped in legends, with many tales of brave warriors, lost treasures, and ancient spirits. It is a place of both wonder and fear for the people of Runesten.
Scattered throughout the forest are sacred groves and ancient stone circles, places of worship and ritual for the local populace, particularly the Gothi (spiritual leaders).


Dense forest with a mix of ancient trees, thick underbrush, and rugged terrain. The proximity to the sea influences a portion of the forest, creating a diverse environment. 
Loimujoki river runs through the forest, providing a vital water source and supporting a rich variety of flora and fauna.
  Dangerous Proximity. Frostwood proximity to Glacierfjord means it is frequently threatened by creatures from the Cursed Mountains. Trolls, giants, and even the occasional dragon can be found lurking within its depths.
Natural Barrier. The forest acts as a natural barrier, protecting the more settled areas of Runesten from the dangers emanating from Glacierfjord.


Despite its dangers, Frostwood is home to a rich ecosystem. The combination of river, forest, and nearby sea creates a unique habitat for various species of plants and animals, some of which are rare and magical.

Natural Resources

Timber. The ancient trees of Frostwood provide high-quality timber, crucial for construction and trade within Runesten and beyond. 
Herbs and Plants. The forest is home to many rare and magical herbs used in alchemy and medicine, making it a valuable resource for herbalists and healers.
Hunting. Skilled hunters brave the forest to track game, both mundane and magical, providing food and resources for the region.
Stone Mason
Alternative Name(s)
Forest, Boreal (Coniferous)
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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