
Location and Importance

Isleif, the second largest city in the Thanedom of Runesten, is a bustling coastal metropolis located on the eastern shore. Previously known as Tarmor during the time of Numeria, it has a rich history dating back centuries. The city sprawls across several hills overlooking a natural deep-water harbor, its Viking-style architecture a testament to its cultural heritage.  

Trade and Economy

Isleif's economy is primarily driven by maritime trade. The city serves as a crucial link between the northern lands and southern kingdoms. The Merchant's Guild holds significant influence in city politics, often rivaling the authorities.
  • Shipbuilding. Renowned for constructing sturdy vessels capable of withstanding harsh northern seas
  • Fishing Industry. A major supplier of fish and whale products
  • Exotic Goods Trade. Luxury items from southern lands are traded for northern furs, timber, and magical items

Cultural and Historical Significance

Isleif's culture is a blend of ancient Norse traditions and cosmopolitan influences brought by trade.
  • The Sea-Blessing Festival. An annual event where ships are blessed for safe voyages
  • The Skald's Competition. A yearly gathering of poets and storytellers from across The North
  • The Frost Fair. A winter market showcasing goods from across the known world
The city population is diverse, including native Northerners, merchants from distant lands, and a significant community of magic users associated with the ancient tower.

Magical Tower

Standing on Trader's Hill, this tower is a relic from the time of Numeria. It serves as both a center of arcane study and a symbol of Isleif's enduring connection to magic. However, the Tower does not belong to the city neither to The North, it is still under ownership and influence of Kingdom of Numeria. This unique status often leads to political tensions and intrigue.  

Notable Features

  • The Grand Harbor. A natural deep-water port, expanded and fortified over centuries
  • Trader's Hill. The highest point in the city, crowned by the ancient magical tower
  • The Fjordlands. A series of narrow inlets to the north of the city, popular for fishing and shipbuilding


  • Sea Wall. A massive stone wall protecting the harbor, equipped with ballistae and catapults
  • The Frost Wardens. An elite guard tasked with city defense and manning the sea wall
  • Magical Wards. Ancient protective spells, maintained by the mages of the tower, that can be activated in times of great peril
Approximately 10 square miles
Alternative Name(s)
Large city
Ruling/Owning Rank

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