Kingdom of Numeria


High Council of Mages

  • Composed of the most powerful and influential mages
  • Often at odds with traditionalists who support the monarchy
  • Viewed by some as usurpers, by others as necessary leadership in trying times

Noble Houses

  • Struggling to maintain influence after territorial losses
  • Some openly resentful of the High Council's power
  • Competing fiercely for remaining resources and influence

Magical Academies

  • Each school fiercely guards its secrets and competes for prestige
  • Blamed by some for not preventing Numeria's losses
  • Pushing for more practical, militaristic applications of magic


Core Beliefs

  • Magical Supremacy. Belief that magical prowess is the ultimate measure of worth and power
  • Restorationism. Growing sentiment that Numeria must reclaim its lost glory and territories
  • Intellectual Elitism. Conviction that Numeria's magical knowledge makes them superior to other nations
  • Divine Right of Mages. Belief that powerful mages are chosen by Mystra to lead

Customs & Traditions

  • The Crimson Oath. Annual renewal of loyalty to Numeria, marked by red robes and bitter vows of restoration
  • Spellduels. Ritualized magical combat to settle disputes, increasingly violent in recent years
  • The Exiled's Vigil. Secret gatherings of royalists honoring Peregos I, seen as treasonous by the Council
  • Arcane Tithe.Requirement for all mages to contribute a portion of their magical research to the state
  • Festival of Woven Fate. Celebration of Mystra, recently tinged with prayers for vengeance and restoration


  • Magical Academies. Centers of learning and magical innovation, now heavily focused on practical and military magic
  • Arcane Libraries. Vast collections of magical knowledge, guarded more jealously than ever
  • Teleportation Network. Maintained despite territorial losses, a point of pride and strategic advantage
  • Artifact Vaults. Heavily fortified storage of powerful magical items, some controversially reclaimed from lost territories
  • Mage Corps. Highly trained battlemages, the core of Numeria's remaining military strength


Foundation -1600


Conquered by The Republic 309


Civil Rebellion 316


Splitting Numeria into smaller nations 317

Knowledge is Power


  • Kingdom of Numeria
    Kingdom of Numeria is land of mages that was originally created after the fall of Heraklion. Kingdom endured civil wars, famine and even conquest of The Republic.
115.830 square miles
5 million
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Kingdom
Alternative Names
Mage's Sanctuary
Predecessor Organization
Successor Organizations
Government System
Power Structure
Provisional government
Economic System
Command/Planned economy
Gold coin featuring a proud, aggresive-looking gryphon. Reverse side depicts a stylized map of Numeria's former territories.  

Official Languages

Articles under Kingdom of Numeria


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