
The Jarl of The North is the supreme ruler of this harsh and unforgiving realm. More than just a king, the Jarl embodies the spirit of The North itself - unyielding, fierce, and deeply connected to the ancient traditions of the land. The current Jarl, Eirik Ragnvald, is the first to hold this title in centuries, marking a return to independence for The North. The Jarl is seen as the living embodiment of The North's spirit. They are expected to exemplify the values of strength, wisdom, and resilience that The North holds dear. The Jarl's rule is considered divinely sanctioned, with many believing they are chosen by the old gods to lead.  


  • Authority to declare war and make peace
  • Right to call upon all Thanes and their forces in times of need
  • Power to appoint and dismiss Thanes
  • Control over The North's resources and trade agreements
  • Ability to enact and repeal laws

Symbols of Office

  • The Crown of Rime. An ancient crown forged from enchanted ice that never melts
  • The Seal of the North. A signet ring bearing the emblem of a bear standing against a blizzard


  • Supreme leadership of The North
  • Final arbiter in matters of law and justice
  • Commander-in-chief of The North's military forces
  • Overseer of relations with other kingdoms and the Frostwilds
  • Guardian of The North's traditions and spiritual well-being


For centuries, The North was a colony of the Numeria, governed by appointed officials. The revival of the Jarl title marks a return to sovereignty and ancient traditions. This restoration has ignited a sense of pride and renewed cultural identity among the people of The North.

Notable Holders

Jarl Eirik Ragnvald

  • Known as "The Frostborn King" or "The Liberator"
  • Led the rebellion against Numerian rule in 317
  • United the fractious clans of The North under a single banner
  • Renowned for his combat prowess, strategic acumen, and fair rule
Wields the legendary axe Rimefang, said to have been forged from the fang of an ice dragon

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  -The Seal of The North
Nobility, Non-hereditary
Form of Address
My Jarl, Your Majesty, Lord of Winter, Jarl
Alternative Naming
The Frost King, Lord of the Eternal Snow, The Bear of the North, Winterfather
Equates to
  • King ( in most southern realms )
  • High Chief ( among some tribal societies )
  • Sultan ( in Al'takarian kingdoms )
Source of Authority
Divine right, where gods lend their courage, honor and strength to mortal
Length of Term
Current Holders
Related Organizations


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