Jarl Eirik Ragnvald

Jarl Eirik Ragnvald, The Frostborn King


Eirik is known for his fair but firm rule. He values strength and honor but also wisdom and diplomacy. He's been instrumental in maintaining peace among the often-quarrelsome clans of The North while also defending against external threats.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Born in 276, Eirik Ragnvald was the son of a respected warrior in The North. From a young age, he showed exceptional skill in combat and leadership. During his youth, he undertook a perilous quest into the Cursed Mountains, returning with the magical axe Rimefang and tales of battles against frost giants.  

The Rebellion of 317

Eirik played a crucial role in the rebellion against The Republic. He united the fractious clans of The North under a single banner, using a combination of diplomacy, combat prowess, and strategic acumen. His most famous victory came at the Battle of Frozen Tears, where he led a small force to defeat a much larger Republican army by luring them onto a frozen lake and breaking the ice with Rimefang.  

Ascension to Jarl

Following the successful rebellion, Eirik was unanimously chosen as Jarl by the clan leaders, impressed by his leadership during the conflict. He was crowned in a ceremony at the ancient site of Grymhallr, where legend says the first kings of The North were chosen when Heraklionian Empire fall apart.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Established the Frostguard, an elite unit of warriors sworn to protect The North
  • Initiated trade agreements with southern kingdoms, bringing prosperity to The North
  • Personally led several expeditions against giant raiding parties, earning the respect of his warriors


Jarl Eirik Ragnvald


Towards Astrid Thidrik


Astrid Thidrik


Towards Jarl Eirik Ragnvald


Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
276 44 Years old

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