
Nordhavn, the largest city of the Thanedom of Järvimaa, is a bustling river port city situated at the confluence of the Pyhävirta rivers. Known for its impressive ice-breaking ships and towering wooden longhouses, Nordhavn serves as the political and economic heart of Järvimaa.


Stone walls reinforced with ice magic, a fleet of ice-breaking warships, and the elite Frost Guard.

Industry & Trade

Nordhavn's economy is driven by shipbuilding, trade, and fishing. The city is famous for its ice-breaking vessels, which are sought after by merchants and navies across the North.


  • Transportation. A network of well-maintained roads, ice-breaking ships for river travel, and dog sleds for winter transportation
  • Sanitation. Advanced for its time, with a system of heated underground pipes to prevent freezing
  • Education. The Frostlight Academy, specializing in magic related to ice and navigation


  1. Harbor District: Home to the famous Icebreaker Docks and numerous warehouses
  2. Merchant's Quarter: Centered around the Wolf's Market, a sprawling marketplace
  3. Frost Hall District: The administrative center, dominated by Thane Bjorn's seat of power
  4. Craftsmen's Ward: Where the city's renowned shipwrights and blacksmiths ply their trades
  5. Old Town: The historic center with traditional Nordic architecture.


  • The Frost Hall. Thane Bjorn Erpsson's seat of power, a massive longhouse with intricate ice sculptures
  • The Wolf's Market. A sprawling marketplace where goods from across The North are traded
  • The Icebreaker Docks. Where Järvimaa's famous ice-breaking ships are built and maintained
  • The Frostlight Beacon. A magical lighthouse that guides ships through ice-choked waters
  • The Winter Gardens. Magically heated greenhouses providing fresh produce year-round


  • The annual Ice Sculpture Festival draws artists and visitors from across The North
  • Guided tours of the Icebreaker Docks are popular among visitors
  • The Frost Hall opens to the public during certain festivals, allowing a glimpse into the Thane's grand home

Natural Resources

  • Timber from nearby forests
  • Fish from the rivers and nearby Korpijärvi lake
  • Iron and other metals from mines in the nearby hills
Large city
Included Locations
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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