Rimearch Grontutam

Rimearch of Glacierfjord Grontutam , The Glacier King

Standing at an impressive 25 feet tall, Grontutam is a mountain of blue-white flesh and rippling muscle. His long, icy-blue beard is braided with shards of magical ice, and his eyes gleam with the cold intelligence of a seasoned ruler. He wears armor crafted from enchanted ice and the pelts of great white bears.  

Legendary Abilities

  • Mastery over ice and cold, able to shape the very glaciers to his will
  • Exceptional strength, even for a frost giant
  • Skilled in giant rune magic, particularly those related to winter and endurance
  • A capable strategist and leader, able to unite the disparate factions of Glacierfjord

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Grontutam rose to power through a combination of martial prowess and political acumen. He united several warring frost giant clans under his banner, establishing a semblance of order in the chaotic realm of Glacierfjord.  


  • The Unification of the Frost Clans. A decade-long campaign that saw Grontutam bring the major giant clans under his rule
  • The Taming of the Ice Wyrm. Grontutam led a group of champions to subdue a legendary white dragon, earning its allegiance
  • The Great Freeze -1575 HE:. Repelled a major incursion from southern kingdoms by triggering a massive, unnatural winter
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
4034 4354 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations


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