Session XXIV: Realmward College

General Summary

Cursed Mountains

They've teleported out of the Morvok's Tower into Cursed Mountains. After some wandering they've found Gerindol, explorer of Gernuhm - dwarven city and also city-state. They were welcomed, met their king Fargrum who told them if they wish to get out of the Mountains, they must help them - cleanse their crypts from their undead ancestors who are for some reason awake.
They did that with help of some self-called cleric, who they later found out stole some two bags of celestite bars. King Fargrum later tried to find out what happened and they figured out that his Cleric was bribed to let the man inside the crypts and was lied to. For this, King Fargrum let him be cooked to half-death and then molten into golden horse.

He gave Borygen who was named party leader for this opportunity, Blessing of Moradin and teleported them out of Cursed Mountains.


After their return from Cursed Mountains, they've decided that is time to rest. They spent some time in Ophiodopolis and some of them in Venoth'ziscah instead. They spent their time to rest and heal their wounds or study some topics they were interested in.

Realmward College

After some rest, they visited the Realmward College they were invited to. They've spent a week here attending different topics about Void, learning something new. Dorn had some void visions which they later found out was next stage of void corruption that is taking deeper roots in Dorn's body. Seldarian Elves from the college gave Dorn some medicine that will postpone the effects for a year, but after it, he must find or create amulet that will postpone it for another year or he will succumb to Void.

The 7th day they had ceremony to finish the whole meeting, where they tried to open the chest that the adventurers brought. When that happened, mysterious void being appeared and started to forcefully gain information from the attendees. After a while, the voidborns started to appear around the school. They used Timestone to return in time and prevent this from happening.

They also met Daelen Queldor, mage from new faction that is trying to break the Republic by using Tarrasque to destroy as much as possible, making Republic collapse and bringing back smaller, autonomous nations. As a symbol of good will and that their organization is powerful enough, he gave them spellscroll of Planeshift that will get them to City of Brass .

City of Brass

They've teleported to their castle, took Ela and teleported to City of Brass.
Borygen and Amelia had documents from City of Glass that they are champions of their city, meaning they could enter the place that had all the lesser nobles in. After a while, they found Kiabzio - Efreet Prince that had Borygen's helmet and also was his target on Arganinax's hit-list.

He found Prince Irun, his brother who had some struggles with his brother and would inherit everything from him in case of his death. Agreeing with Borygen to help Ela in case that his brother would die.

Later that day, Dao came and informed them about where to find prince Kiabziao later this day. They transformed into mist and went over there, fighting against 5 Efreeti bodyguards and prince himself.

Volcano Battle

They managed to kill the bodyguards, but the prince showed as very strong opponent as Amelia and Dorn were already on the verge of passing out.
Prince Kiabziao took Dorn and threatened to drop him into the volcano unless they surrender. In that moment Kai teleported next to him, slashed prince across his face, cutting a piece of his horn and grappled Dorn.
Second after that, Darian took Borygen, teleported him right before the Efreet, and Borygen sprinted to him, grappled him and fell with him into the crater of volcano, disapearing in the hot mist inside.


Start: 8th of Epholet 
End: 19th of Epholet
Rising from the Sand
Zhaun'dra Dorn'usin
Kailani Cordelia Izumi
Darian Thenerese
Borygen Thul
Report Date
27 Apr 2024


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