
Svailheim, known as the "Gateway to the Cursed Mountains," is a fortified city perched on the borders of the Frostwild of Villitunturi, The North, and the Kingdom of Myredonia. This strategic location has shaped Svailheim into a unique blend of frontier outpost and cultural melting pot.


  • Massive stone walls reinforced with runic magic to withstand both monster attacks and harsh weather
  • The Frostwatch. A network of enchanted beacons that can be lit to warn of approaching dangers
  • Elite border patrol known as the "Mountain Wolves"

Industry & Trade

  • Major Exports. Furs, enchanted ice, monster parts, mountain herbs
  • Major Imports. Weapons, preserved foods, textiles


  • Well-maintained mountain paths connecting to major trade routes
  • Magically heated underground tunnels for winter travel
  • Communal longhouses built to withstand severe storms


  • The Rimefrost Citadel. Headquarters of the city's defence and main lookout point
  • The Traveler's Respite. A massive inn complex capable of housing hundreds of weary travelers
  • The Cursed Market. A bazaar specializing in rare goods from the Cursed Mountains

Guilds and Factions

  • The Mountain Wolves (border patrol)
  • Cursed Expedition Guild
  • Svailheim Merchant's Coalition


  • Guided tours to "safe" areas of the Cursed Mountains
  • The annual Frost Fair, showcasing goods and cultures from The North and Myredonia
  • Svailheim's famous hot springs, said to have curative properties

Natural Resources

  • Rare minerals from the Cursed Mountains
  • Unique flora with alchemical properties
  • Ice and snow (used in various magical applications)
Alternative Name(s)
Gateway to the Cursed Mountains
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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