Thane Ref Ragnvald

Thane Ref Ragnvald (a.k.a. River Wolf)

Thane Ref Ragnvald, known as the "River Wolf," governs the Thanedom of Styrkfjord, a crucial region within The North. As the younger brother of Jarl Eirik Ragnvald, Ref played a pivotal role in the rebellion that restored The North's independence and placed his brother on the throne. Born into the ruling Ragnvald family, Ref initially served as his brother's right hand during the uprising against Numerian rule. His strategic brilliance and mastery of river warfare proved instrumental in securing key victories. Ref's most notable contribution came during the Battle of Frozen Tears, where he led a daring river assault that caught the Numerian forces off guard, turning the tide of the conflict. After The North regained its independence, Jarl Eirik recognized his brother's invaluable support and leadership qualities. In a bold move that surprised many, Eirik named Ref the Thane of Styrkfjord, entrusting him with governance of this vital region. This appointment allowed Eirik to focus on the broader challenges of ruling The North, knowing that Styrkfjord was in capable hands. As Thane, Ref has continued to innovate and strengthen his domain. His expertise in river matters has transformed Styrkfjord into a powerhouse of trade and defense. He's known for his hands-on leadership style, often personally leading patrols along the Myrskyuoma river and participating in defense strategies.  

Notable Achievements

  • Established the elite "River Wolves" guard, a unit specializing in both river combat and regional defense, which has become a model for other Thanedoms
  • Developed an advanced system of river locks and defenses across Styrkfjord, greatly improving both trade and security along the Myrskyuoma and other waterways
  • Initiated the annual River Pearl Festival, now a major event that boosts Styrkfjord's economy and cultural significance throughout The North


Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
297 23 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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