Thane Ragnar Bjornsen

Thane Ragnar Bjornsen, known as the "Bear of Bjornskog," rules the Thanedom of Bjornskog with a combination of martial prowess and cunning diplomacy. His domain, bordering the treacherous Cursed Mountains, requires constant vigilance and strong leadership. Born into the noble Bjornsen family, Ragnar proved himself early in life as both a warrior and a leader. He earned his position as Thane after successfully repelling a massive giant invasion, using innovative tactics that combined traditional warfare with runic magic.  

Notable Achievements

  • Established the elite "Bear's Claw" guard unit, significantly improving Bjornskog's defenses
  • Implemented a system of magical watchtowers along the border of the Cursed Mountains, providing early warning against monster incursions
Current Location
Currently Held Titles
Year of Birth
284 36 Years old
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Ruled Locations


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