The Frost Forge

A massive stone building with multiple chimneys constantly bellowing blue-tinted smoke. The interior is a mix of intense heat from the forges and magical cold used in the enchanting process. The Frost Forge is crucial to Bjornstad's defense and economy. Its creations are highly sought after across The North and beyond, bringing both wealth and renown to the city.  

Special Features

  1. The Everflame. A magical forge fire that never extinguishes, said to be lit from the breath of an ice dragon
  2. Runestone Anvi.: An ancient anvil covered in magical runes that enhance the enchantment process
  3. Glacial Quenching Pool. A pool of perpetually freezing water used to imbue weapons with ice properties

Famous Creations

  1. Frostfang: The Thane's ceremonial sword, capable of freezing enemies with a touch
  2. The Winter's Embrace: A set of armor that adapts to extreme temperatures, protecting the wearer from both heat and cold
  3. Stormcaller: A war horn that can summon localized blizzards
  4. Frostbringer. Legendary greatsword that took part at the war against the Void.


  • Creation of enchanted weapons and armor
  • Reforging and enhancing existing magical items
  • Training apprentice smiths in the art of magical forging
Founding Date
Room, Special, Forge
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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