Thanedom of Bjornskog


The Thanedom of Bjornskog is a northern region of The North, sharing its northern border with the treacherous Cursed Mountains. It also borders the sparsely inhabited region of Glacierfjord, known for its perilous conditions and frequent monster attacks. Bjornskog benefits from the Northern Trade Route , which runs through the region and provides access to the sea. The region is characterized by its two large cities, Bjornskog  and Vinterborg , and is shaped by two large rivers and a significant lake.

Unique Characteristics

Bjornskog is renowned for its resilient and tough inhabitants, who are known for their "civilized" yet hardy nature. The people here are often considered the hardest non-barbaric individuals in The North, dealing with daily threats from monsters such as trolls, giants, and dragons that descend from Glacierfjord. Bjornskog is a frontline defense against these threats, with locals forming their own "defenders" to protect their lands and livestock from constant attacks.

Economy and Trade

The Northern Trade Route is a vital artery for Bjornskog, facilitating trade and commerce with neighboring regions and providing access to the sea. The rivers and lake within the region support fishing and agriculture, contributing to the local economy. Despite the harsh conditions, Bjornskog maintains a strong trade presence, leveraging its strategic location and natural resources.


The people of Bjornskog are known for their resilience, bravery, and strong sense of community. They pride themselves on their ability to withstand the harsh conditions and constant threats from the Cursed Mountains. The culture is heavily influenced by the need for defense and survival, with a strong emphasis on martial skills and communal protection.

Defend and Endure

Approximately 15,500 square miles 
Founding Date
Geopolitical, Duchy
Alternative Names
Shield of the North
Leader Title
Parent Organization
Notable Members
Related Species

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