The Frozen Colosseum

An enormous, naturally formed amphitheater of ice and stone, hidden within a deep valley of Hero's Forest. Towering ice spires form a ring around a central arena, their surfaces reflecting light in dazzling patterns. The ground of the arena is a perfect circle of mirror-smooth ice, occasionally cracking and shifting.  


  • Frost giants who consider the Colosseum sacred ground
  • Ice elementals that form and dissipate within the arena
  • Winter wolves prowling the surrounding area
  • Yetis nesting in nearby ice caves
  • Sentient ice constructs, remnants of ancient magical battles

Special Characteristics

  • Living Ice: The ice in the Colosseum is semi-sentient, constantly shifting and reforming, sometimes creating obstacles or structures during conflicts.
  • Echo of Battles: Magical residue from countless battles occasionally manifests as illusory warriors, re-enacting famous fights from history.
  • Primal Winter Magic: The site is a wellspring of raw magic, causing unpredictable magical effects and empowering ice-based spells.

Importance and Activities

  • Trial by Combat. Warriors from across The North come to prove their mettle in ritual combat, often as a way to settle disputes or prove worth.
  • Ice Harvesting. Mages collect shards of the living ice for use in powerful frost spells and magical item creation.
  • Giant Diplomacy. The Colosseum serves as neutral ground for frost giant clans to hold moots and negotiate truces.
  • Winter Magic Study. Scholars of frost magic conduct research here, attempting to unravel the secrets of primal winter.
  • Beast Taming. Some brave individuals attempt to tame the winter wolves and yetis that roam the area.

Notable Events

  • The Midwinter Tournament, a grand melee that draws warriors, mages, and monsters from across the realm.
  • Periodic manifestations of the "Frozen Queen," a powerful ice entity that issues challenges to worthy warriors.


Ancient tales speak of the Colosseum as the site where chosen of the God of Winter fought and imprisoned a primordial fire entity. The clashing energies are said to have shaped the land, and the imprisoned fire being's attempts to escape cause the ice to shift and crack. Some believe that one day, the fire entity will break free, leading to ice melting and fall of The North.
Approximately 3 square miles
Natural Wonder
Location under
Owning Organization


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