
Thyrmgard, known as the "Frost Giant's Anvil," is a formidable coastal city in the Frostwild of Jäähuiput. Nestled at the base of towering ice cliffs, Thyrmgard stands as a testament to the resilience of its inhabitants against both the harsh elements and occasional giant raids.


  • Massive ice walls reinforced with giant-forged steel
  • The Thunderclap Ballistas. Enormous siege weapons capable of taking down frost giants
  • The Rimeguard. Elite warriors trained in combating both arctic beasts and giants

Industry & Trade

  • Major Exports. Giant-crafted weapons and armor, magical ice, rare arctic furs
  • Major Imports. Food supplies, raw metals, textiles


  • Giant-sized buildings and passageways to accommodate occasional peaceful giant visitors
  • Magically heated central plaza to serve as a community gathering space
  • Ice tunnels for safe travel during blizzards


  • The Jötunn's Forge. A massive smithy where human and giant craftsmen work side by side
  • The Frostflow Harbor. A deep-water port capable of hosting ships of all sizes, including giant-made vessels
  • The Ymir's Hall. A colossal meeting hall where disputes between humans and giants are settled

Guilds and Factions

  • The Giantkin Artificers' Guild
  • Thyrmgard Merchants' Coalition
  • The Frost Runners (messengers and scouts)


  • Giant watching tours
  • The Midwinter Market, featuring goods from across The North and beyond
  • Ice climbing expeditions on the nearby cliffs

Natural Resources

  • Giant-mined ores and gems
  • Magical ice with unique properties
  • Arctic herbs with potent alchemical uses
Alternative Name(s)
Frost Giant's Anvil
Large city
Inhabitant Demonym
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization
Characters in Location

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