Frostwild of Jäähuiput

The Frostwild of Jäähuiput, known as the "Ice Peaks," is a formidable mountain range that forms the northeastern part of the Cursed Mountains. Home to the continent's highest peak, Jäähuiput is a realm of extreme altitudes, eternal ice, and ancient magic. It stands as a barrier between the mortal world and the sky, where the air itself seems touched by otherworldly forces.  


  • Towering peaks, many over 20,000 feat high
  • Vast glaciers and ice fields
  • Deep, mist-filled valleys
  • The Great Peak. Huippuvarki, the highest mountain on the continent


  • Frost giants and cloud giants
  • Storm giants in the highest reaches
  • Rocs and other massive avian predators
  • Yetis and frost salamanders
  • Rumors of ice dragons nesting in the highest peaks

Notable Locations

  • Huippuvarki. The continent's highest peak, said to touch the realm of the gods
  • The Stormforge. A giant stronghold where magical weapons are crafted using the power of lightning
  • The Frostfire Caldera. An active volcano near the peak, spewing both lava and magical ice

Unique Features

  • Altitude sickness is magnified by magical effects, causing hallucinations and temporary madness
  • Floating islands of ice and rock, held aloft by powerful elemental magic


  • Skymetal. A rare, lightweight metal found only at extreme altitudes
  • Crystalized lightning. Used in the most powerful magical weapons and rituals
  • Herbs with extraordinary magical properties, growing in the harsh alpine environment
39,500 square miles 
Political, Confederation
Alternative Names
Ice Peaks
Related Ranks & Titles
Controlled Territories

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