
Beozar is a Mongrelman who was imprisoned in Barker's Menagerie before being freed by Hugo Dargent and his companions. He seemed to get on best with Connie Furr and gave her a flyer to attend a meeting of the Patchwork Empire, warning her not to mention the meeting to any of the Nobility, including her master.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Needleday, Tinkermoon, 1313
Beozar was rescued from Barker's Menagerie by Connie Furr and her companions, alongside many other soon-to-be Mongrelfolk chattle slaves. He gave Connie a Flyer for the Patchwork Empire, warning her not to mention the meeting to any of the Nobility, including her master.
"You kids want to make a difference?"
Other Affiliations

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.