Belle Buttercream is born on Needleday, Soldiermoon - to Jafar Darktusk and Daisy Buttercream.
On Copperday, Thiefmoon, the Stargazer Library is attacked by a party of Mongrelmen as well as a Div and a Shark.
On Copperday, Tinkermoon a group of Mongrelmen and several Divs invade the estate of the Baharat Family, attempting to steal the Baharat's newborn Subvizier, Sumac Baharat.
To distract from the attempted abduction of Sumac Baharat taking place concurrently, other Mongrelfolk and Divs attacked a party at the Dargent-Laureat residence. Thornhill Underhand's unmasked head was displayed on a pike, although only Scarlett Dargent was close enough to get a good look at the mostly featureless face.
Viziera Crepuscule Underhand is killed by Belle Buttercream on Copperday, Soldiermoon - aged 51 years old.
Vizier Jafar Darktusk is killed on Copperday, Soldiermoon by Philly - aged 60 years old (110 orc years).