Needleday, Tinkermoon, 1313

General Summary

Dropped off crate and a note of 4 books.
Daisy's Milk Bar
Minotaur's Labyrinth
Oops – Lindie unconscious at crime scene!
PLAN – blame it all on having been possessed by Sweeney's Razor.
Barker's Menagerie
Kitty Storm
+1 Desert Heat by Talitha Spice
Found Minotaur (Boulder Buttercream)
+1 Ifrit Blood (single dose) – like alchemical fire but also coats a thing in fire.
+3 Stonechipper Salve - each dose chips away at 5 ft of wall or is enough to cover one medium-sized creature.
+1 key to little door.
Bugsby Cottontail & Echo Bunnyman
“En garde! Fight me, you coward!”Bugsby Cottontail uses the Trolling Blade to cast Compel Hostility on one of the gnolls attacking Connie Furr.

Bugsby has the Trolling Blade
Recurring order for Mongrelfolk chattel slaves Terrier Beneath the Sands shakes off its ticks and fleas into the real world.
BeozarMongrelfolk friend.
+2 Potions of Cure Light Wounds
+1 Oil of Magic Weapon
+3 more Ifrit Blood
+15 gp
+1 Cloak of Resistance (+1) - Magic cloak, abjuration, provides constant bonus
+1 Gnoll Tooth favour (significant because only limited number of teeth in a single gnoll's mouth)
+1 Flyer of the Patchwork Empire, which includes address and times
“No power but the power of the masses; No king but the Patchwork King.”The motto of the Patchwork Empire, displayed on the flyers.