Enfield's Secret Chapel

Through the ratlines of the Jackalslicer Estate's servant quarters, Seneschal has a secret chapel to Conscript Hodge, the Walking Wounded and the forgotten deities of the Goblin Pantheon.   Ratlines: servants entrances and concealed corridors and forgotten hallways that have been bricked up have been connected together to make sprawling routes without encountering anyone.
Enfield has medal with sword and wreath and helmet. Swings wall open using it as a key.
Incident board – scaled up map from before
“Lest We Forget” (not lest we remember)
No obvious door
Old-school mobile hospital slab instead of an altar, wreath of bloodpetal poppies
Sword physically set into the ground blade first. Wreath hung on it capped by an old-fashioned helmet
Vases with more bloodpetals on either side
Walls to either side with no wainscotting or masonry, just bare brick. The bricks are all tiny grey chalky-looking bricks. Many of them slightly crumbled (were whiter but have become grey over time). Each brick has a little blackened medal depicting a sword stuck in the ground. Many of which have a star-shaped pip in the corner, many of which don’t.
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