Guardsman Hayrold

"Snakelike reflexes a bit too snakelike, ey, Harold!"
--One of the court guards teases Hayrold (actually Hugo Dargent in disguise) for tumbling down the stairs.
Hayrold is a wiry Guardsman for House Stargazer with a sandy-coloured mohawk and single hooped brass earring. He was posted to keep tabs on Cassiopeia Stargazer-Greenskin when she was acting as Greenskin Subvizier while Vizier Kronk Greenskin was pretending to be ill with the Shakes. He witnessed Connie Furr and Lindie Asklepa visiting the Greenskins on Goldday, Tailormoon, 1313.   Later that day, Hugo Dargent, who was supposed to be in quarantine with the real Shakes, disguised himself as Hayrold to avoid detection after his fatigue and illness caused him to stumble while attempting to enter the secret entrance of the Greenskin Estate. Two of the Noble Court Guards noticed the blunder, and although one of them teased him for previously claiming to have "snakelike reflexes", they both reassured him that they would keep his embarassment a secret.
Current Status
Guardsman for House Stargazer
Currently Held Titles
Spiked sandy mohawk
5 ft. 2 inches.
Other Affiliations

Has encountered Hugo Dargent in Human form.