Bounty Hunting: Kreg Report in Pandora | World Anvil

Bounty Hunting: Kreg

General Summary

our party meet at the bard's respite in stags ballad, to talk with the guy that put up a bounty on the ratfolk knowen as kreg. Bullgup leading the talking, after making him sober by delaying the poison(alcohol), they got a sketch of the guy and a bit of infomation on his weapons and general gear. they slept the night and tried scrying for him the next with no succese, they then went to a priest to have him give it a try, with more succese they found out he was in a pine forest with a river. afterwards Plays-With-Squirrels found a rat and got infomation that kreg sometimes comes to stags balled always from the north and feeds them cheese, gribbit Bullgup animal companion ate it before it could say more. the party went out into the outskirts of the pine forest to the north hoping to have kreg run into them, and setup camp however he never came by, a pair of spider eaters did instead, but by the collective effort of everyone but Adonis who got paralyzed after showing he was a caster, one where defeated and the other ran away.
and so the next day they decide to contuine the search trying to scry on him yet again, failing again. then using forests search they managed to shortly pick up on him, but just as quickly was he outside its ranger, they now had a direction to follow. once they got close Bullgup used eagles eye and greensight and managed to spot a nearby hunting lodge, which Plays-With-Squirrels sneaked up to as a rat. kreg suddenly appearing as he got close, offered him cheese and just pet him a bit before letting him run off back to his party.
the entire party then approached the hunting lodge, kreg yet again unable to be seen. Plays-With-Squirrels approached in his humanoid form, and knocked on the door in response to which letters appeared on the door, asking who and why, there was a bit of talk but when asked how many there were and he lied that it was just him and his companion, a poisonus gas was thrown at Adonis, gribbit and Bullgup. Adonis had delay poison active so was currently immune, Bullgup as a decent level druid was immune aswell and gribbit saved aginst it. kreg stil no where to be seen. Bullgup tried to entangle him but failed and he appeared next to Rufus to try and stab him with his poison daggered but failed as Rufus simply rolled away. the fight contuined with kreg stealthing around and sometimes attacking for a bit, while the party gave him a couple chance to come peacefully, of which he didn't take any. he only managed to poison Plays-With-Squirrels and was soon grabbed in the bite of Bullgup, who had transformed into a saltwater crocdile. at which point he pleaded for his life. after tieing him up and interrogating him they found the tablet and after a bit more pleading Plays-With-Squirrels ended the ratfolks life. they returned with the body and tablet and got payed. they also advised him to go see Alik with the tablet, to which he semmed to agree to

Rewards Granted

Coins: 400 pp, 0 gp, 0 sp, 0 cp
4x[750 gp] fast acting vessel between(changes: dc 22,Frequency 1/rounds for 4 rounds)
4x[75 gp] fast acting gas drow poison(changes: dc 15, type: inhaled, Frequency 1/rounds for 2 rounds)
[460gp] lead box(about the size of a shoe box) with symbol of pain on lid
[165 gp] masterwork hide armor
[1,020 gp] mithral heavy shield
[13 gp] hematite
[8 gp] lapis lazuli
[300 gp] potion/oil of resist energy, acid (CL 3)
[300 gp] potion/oil of darkvision (CL 3)
[50 gp] potion/oil of protection from good (CL 1)
[150 gp] divine scroll of spiritual weapon (CL 3)
[25 gp] divine scroll of deathwatch (CL 1)
[750 gp] wand of doom (CL 1)
[350 gp] masterwork heavy crossbow

Bullgup (9): 1576xp: 338(spider eaters)+225(trapped box)+338(finding kreg)+675(defeating kreg)
Adonis (6): 3000xp: 600+450+600+1350
Plays-With-Squirrels, Rufus (5): 3563xp : 750+563+750+1500

Dungeon Master

Nightfall (7): 3150 xp/1675 gp/ 5dt
Report Date
13 Feb 2022
Primary Location
Secondary Location