Falcon's Hollow

"In the frigid north of Pandora, the independent logging town of Falcon’s Hollow is a wild place. Nestled in the shadow of a towering mountain locally named after Ladaguer, the people of Falcon’s Hollow are hearty and stern. Theirs is a life of hardships, broken only occasionally by a handful of festivals and the infrequent merchant caravan.   They face constant adversity from both the wilderness and the wiles of man. Wolves nip at their heels and cutpurses ply at their pockets. It is a testament to their strength that they even manage to survive at all."
--From the Journal of Extraplanar Archaeology, Vol III - Ches 1374, by Pall Gar, Philo-Archaeologist   Falcon's Hollow is run by an unscrupulous logging company known as The Logging Consortium.


Alignment NE
Size Small Town (1,400)
Max Purchase/Sell 5,000gp/1,000gp
Spellcasting 4th
Government Council (The Logging Consortium)
Defenses Walls
Services Herbalism, Hunting, Building Materials
Statistics that improve skill checks TBD
Qualities TBD