Guild Master

As the Guild Leader of The Guildpact, the Guild Master holds the pivotal role of guiding and managing a diverse community of adventurers. They are responsible for overseeing the day-to-day operations of the guild, ensuring the welfare of its members, and upholding the guild's reputation as a respected and influential institution within the realm. With their leadership, foster a supportive environment that encourages camaraderie, skill development, and the pursuit of epic quests and heroic deeds.   Should a Guild Master retire from his role, any Senior Officers currently holding position may be promoted to Guild Master. The requirements are that the Senior Officer must have been in their role for at least (2) months, and will need to be voted by a majority vote of all Officers and Senior Officers. The Guildpact should not be without a leader, so the vote would need to occur within one month of the guild leader’s retirement, otherwise the role defaults to the longest-standing Senior Officer.   A Guild Master has all the expectations and privileges of all previous ranks, with the following additions:
  • Establish and enforce guild policies, guidelines, and code of conduct.
  • Has final say on conflicts that arise as part of guild related activities.
  • Manage and track funds donated to The Guildpact
  • Ensure that items are plentiful for the guild
  • Able to promote Officers to Senior Officers
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