Kage Character in Pandora | World Anvil


Kage is a tall but thin man standing at a height of 6'2 but looking like he weighs no more than 120 pounds. He has deathly pale skin and black hair. Seeing as he is a fletchling his hair is likely dyed from white to black.   His eyes have the softest blue glow and he ahs a relatively angular face, but not so angular as the elves. Upon his face along where you would expect sideburns to be he has long dark shadowy tattoos which stretch down his neck and under his shirt.   He prefers black clothing a loose fitting shirt topped by a coat with a hood. Long pants all the way down his legs and he brandishes two knives on his hips. The man himself nearly all but disappears in dim light or darker conditions, and his shadow seems to have a personality of its own.

(Image credit fukamihb with edits by Kage.]