The Kingdom of Fjordhaven Council - Nightal 1376 Report in Pandora | World Anvil

The Kingdom of Fjordhaven Council - Nightal 1376

General Summary

The leaders of The Kingdom of Fjordhaven met together to finalize the work of the kingdom for the year.

The Kingdom remains stable and the considerable cost of feeding its people with destroyed farms was successfully paid. Unrest due to armies not offically connected to the kingdom continues to rise, though the Royal Enforcer managed to mitigate it slightly.

Leadership for the kingdom remains unchanged. The kingdom expanded significantly this month, with borders now touching those of Abkheset. The kingdom built fisheries, opened a new mine and built a road to it. With all of that done, the Council decided it was wise to open up trade with their desert neighbors.

With the financial crises caused by the destroyed farms, King Bombo decided to fund the rebuilding of some farms from his own pocket. Besides that, the kingdom managed to collect taxes successfully.

In the Aftermath of the Mad Wizard's attacks, the kingdom remains quiet, licking its wounds and looking forward steadfastly toward the next threat.

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