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Anunnaki (ah-noon-nah-kee)

They are the first space travelers and as old as the universe itself. They have the most advanced technology for space travel and communication. They are the creators of the Warp rings in space that enables ships to travel through wormholes to other galaxies instantly, allowing extragalactic space travel. They alone hold the keys to the Warp Rings that they later share with Covenant. Yet, little of their origin is known, and nothing of their home world is known, other then the planet no loner supports life. They once had their hand in creating civilizations but now tend to stay away from all other life forms and simply observe.

Basic Information


They are incredibly calm, and every motion and thought has a purpose. No energy is wasted.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

Pale skin, all their faces look the same.

Average Intelligence

Extremely intelligent, and intuitive.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

They have all 5 senses, plus Telekinesis which they use in the Creation of planets, moons, and stars.

Civilization and Culture

Scientific Name
Average Height
5'7" - 6'4" ft
Average Weight
190 - 210lbs
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
very pale almost glowing white.
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