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Covenant F.O.B.

A primitive Norse village set up by the Covenant to house mothers and their new born children from the Breeding.


The village is a close-knit community, with everyone working together to survive in the harsh environment. There are few resources available in the mountains, so the villagers rely on each other for food, shelter, and protection. The village is led by a chieftain, who makes decisions for the community and settles disputes.

Industry & Trade

Despite their remote location, the Villagers have a thriving trade network. They trade wool, meat, and other goods with nearby neighbors in the community in exchange for goods they cannot produce themselves. They also trade furs, which are highly prized.


The mountain village rely primarily on sheep and goats for their livelihood. They raise the animals for their wool and meat, and use their milk to make cheese and butter. The villagers also hunt wild game in the mountains, such as deer and elk. They fish in nearby streams and lakes, and collect berries and other wild plants for food.


The houses in the village are made of wood and stone, with steeply pitched roofs to help shed the heavy snow. The houses are tightly clustered together for warmth and protection from the elements. Most of the houses are built into the side of the mountain, with the backs of the houses carved directly into the rock. Each house has a central hearth for warmth and cooking, and beds are built into the walls for sleeping.


The Viking village is located high in the snowy mountains, surrounded by jagged peaks and treacherous terrain. The village is situated on a plateau, overlooking a wide valley. The plateau is accessed by a narrow path that winds its way up the mountainside. The location provides the Vikings with a strategic advantage, as they can see approaching enemies from a great distance.
Founding Date
Alternative Name(s)
Breeding Village.
Location under
Owning Organization


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