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Basic Information


Cringereons are humanoid species with distinct feline features such as cat-like ears, fur, and a tail. They are smaller in stature than humans, with a lean and agile build.

Dietary Needs and Habits

The Cringereons primarily consume meat and possess exceptional hunting and farming abilities. Their expertise in agriculture is reflected in their extensive efforts to enhance the fertility of their land, as they recognize that fertile soil produces healthier domesticated animals for their consumption. Despite possessing advanced technology, they do not exploit their natural resources, instead maintaining a harmonious relationship with their environment, which they depend on for sustenance.


Prior to Kreegan domination, the Cringereons boasted an exceptionally advanced society, which integrated intricate behavior psychology into their communication methods. Through the use of various forms of posturing and manipulation of their fur, they were able to convey emotions and messages through both verbal and nonverbal means. The Cringereons' mastery of body language allowed them to express themselves in a nuanced manner and communicate complex thoughts and feelings effectively.

Additional Information

Social Structure

Cringereons also have a complex social structure, with a hierarchy based on strength, cunning, and agility.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Their senses are heightened, with exceptional hearing, night vision, and sense of smell. Cringereons are natural hunters, with sharp claws and teeth, and a keen instinct for tracking prey. They may have abilities related to stealth and illusion, allowing them to move unseen and manipulate their surroundings to their advantage.

Civilization and Culture

Culture and Cultural Heritage

In terms of culture, Cringereons are known for their love of luxury and comfort, with a fondness for warm and soft materials such as silk, velvet, and fur. They may be skilled artisans and craftsmen, known for their intricate jewelry, textiles, and pottery.


The History of the Cringereons

The Cringereons once inhabited a world full of wonder, where ancient mysteries and legends of cryptic guardian beasts abounded. Regrettably, much of their culture has been lost since the Kreegan Horde invaded and forced them to assimilate into their ranks. Despite this, the Cringereons remain a valuable asset to the Kreegan Empire due to their exceptional skills in technology and craftsmanship, particularly in the area of space travel. Their expertise significantly bolsters the Kreegan fleet's capabilities, allowing the empire to dominate with greater ease.
Furthermore, in addition to their proficiency in shipbuilding, the Cringereons are also exceptional warriors who are willing to follow those who demonstrate strength, cunning, and prowess. Given their short lifespan, which typically lasts no more than 30 years, entire generations of Cringereons have passed since the Kreegans' arrival. As a result, many have fully assimilated into the ranks of the Horde, with little memory of what life was like before their domination. This has led to a reluctance to change things, as they have grown accustomed to their current way of life. The Cringereons currently exist under the dominion of Diyu, who is both their god and the ruler of their armies and land. Their primary objective is to continue their way of life and replenish their population, which is vital to the success of the Kreegan Empire in its mission to conquer those who oppose its rule.
Scientific Name
25 to 30 years
Average Height
Average Weight
Geographic Distribution
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