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A designated company of the O.O.C. that is in charge of producing the handheld death machine is called Machina Mortis. The Company slapped its logo on each item made, and to this day, most people call these death rays "Machmor's."

Purpose / Function

Mass Construction of Hand held fire arms called Machina Mortis.


This is Factory sized Bay


There is one entry and exit, and there are no windows. Therefore, the entire bay can be ejected from the O.O.C. in case of a catastrophic event and the nature of the items being made.

Sensory & Appearance

Everything is neat and orderly. Nothing is out of place, and the factory is hard at work producing firearms to be used on the front lines of the Covenant battles. It is 90% automated and only requires human supervision of particular process parts.


Standard factory workers can be seen through the bay as well as engineers and supervisors, to make the factory work.

Contents & Furnishings

Giant automated assembly line machines control most of the space for the factory. To the side is the maintenance quarter, where all the tools and maintenance people are located to service the machines when needed.


Towards the back, close to the loading bay doors, are stacks of giant containers full of hand-held weapons.

Special Properties

The entire bay can be Jettisoned into space away from the O.O.C. due to the nature of the items being made and in case of emergency. The bay is also equipped with a remote self-destruction unit that will blow up the bay after it is jettisoned to keep the sensitive equipment from getting into the wrong hands.


The Company is housed in a Bay, inside the O.O.C.
Room, Ship, Gunroom
Parent Location
Compartment of Vehicle
Owning Organization


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