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The Scholar, The Bookworm Serverly

Mental characteristics

Personal history

In their early life Severly was mocked as they were born with a almost entirely defective arcane core, however severly not being one to give up spent more time in the library than any other before them. this culminated in them making several ground breaking discoveries at the age of 10. Severly would continue discovering breakthrough after breakthrough until finally being recognized for all their achivements and being given the rank of council member.   while Severly sits at amongst the apex of all casters they themselves cannot must more arcane than the average skayan school child, however Severly can make far more complicated and extreme rituals than any other person know, to date. To fuel these spells Severly activly buys shipments of Drothni Crystals from Daraki in exchange for magical assistance.   Severly is one of the only council members who is beloved by all of Skaya not a single person wishes ill will upon them and those that do often get illiminated by the rest of the council before they can finish that thought. Severly is guarded by a 10ft golem at all times which they use more as a glorified paper weight however if anything threatens Severly it can fight of most things.


Severly studied at the The bailon institute of learning  where they achieved honour roll.


Severly is employed by the council
Aligned Organization
Other Affiliations
Known Languages

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