Battle for Wode Island Military Conflict in Parllos | World Anvil
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Battle for Wode Island

The Battle for Wode Island is the month long battle between the wode and hashien which took place on Wode Isle in the year 82 of the Ash Age.

The Conflict


The wode of the United Woden Tribe prospered at the end of the Ash Age when most other species were dwindling and suffering. And as they grew so did notice of their presence when eventually the light from their nightly fires could be see as far away as the eastern shores of the Howling Peninsula. The hashien, lead by Nasht, who lived along the coast watched as year after year the activity on the island grew, and year after year their own people starved and wasted away.   When the ash began to subside in the Traversable Sea the hashien, driven by hunger and desperation, began to build small rafts with single sails to take them across the waters to Wode Isle.

The Engagement

The hashien landed on the Wode Isle shores at night and began their attack in earnest. At first the fight was a slaughter, hashien groups tore through woden villages like rats through a carcass, with claws, teeth, and massive comparable size they killed numbers of wode with single blows and ate freely as they went. But slowly little by little the invaders began to fall.   Under the command of the newly appointed Namtho, the wode fought back with specialized claw and tooth weapons alongside their bonded animals that bit and scratched and plucked at the emaciated and weakened hashien until one by one they fell howling, covered in blood from hundreds of cuts all across their bodies. Over the next month the wode attacked from trees, bushes, and the sky as they killed or pushed every last hashien off the island.

Start Date
Ending Date


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