Blockade of Arlint Bay Military Conflict in Parllos | World Anvil
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Blockade of Arlint Bay

The Blockade of Arlint bay is the name given to the battle and subsequent naval skirmishes between the human city states of Osolette adn Arlint. While most records of these battles and those who fought them are lost, from what remains we do have have good understanding of the war's larger elements and its outcome.

The Conflict


The rise in shipping between the two city-state gave equal rise to piracy from the Frozen Isles. For years these opertions had been the reason for Arlint's focus on naval expansion, and before long the waters in the east of the Sea of Teeth were seen as relativley safe for Arlint's merchants. Not looking to lose ships in every engagment the pirate began targeting Osoletten vessels during thier raids. It is said that these attacks grew so much in number that the merchants of Osolette tried to arm thier ships to protect themselves, but without fighting crews this idea proved disasterous.


In mid 492 the Captains General Yen Nolish and Ansol Kaysint of Osolette sent a letter demanding that the Arlint City Council commit more ships to the western waters of the Sea of Teeth to protect Osole. Not wanting to give into demands, but wanting to be understanding towards thier fellow humans' situation, the council declined, but under the orders of High Council Gwenith Tvelty sent a ship for study as well as two shipwrights and a full war crew to train Osoletten sailors. The Captains General saw this as a blatant insult, the next day the gave the order to mobalize their fleet of thirteen ships.

The Engagement

Days later and without warning the Osolette Navy sailed into the mouth of Arlint Bay and dropped anchor in a rough line. Before anyone in the port had a chance to act the line of ships opened fire, stating thier intent by burning and sinking two unmanned war vessels that were tied up at dock. An envoy was sent afterward stating that the blockde would remain in effect until Arlint agreed to supply ships for Olosette.   For two months the stalemate held while the City Council tried to negotiate a peaceful end to the affair, the offered materials and riches, use of the shipyards, offers to trade for ship designs, and more, all to the def ears of the Captains General who refused to hear any other deal than the original demand. The Osolette ships would not move.   With negotiations broken down the Arlint High Council declared the time of talking over and ordered captains in the Arlint Navy to ready their ships under cover of darkness. Working cautiously over a week the Arlint ships were armed and made ready for a suprise attack, and sive days later, as the mist receded in the morning sun, men on the docks and warehouse roofs loosed flaming arrows on the blockade while the remaining ships in the bay maneuvered into attack positions. The overwhelming force of the Arlint Navy gave no chance for the Osolettens to retaliate, the blockade was crushed in the space of a couple hours.   The following weeks saw the Arlint Navy follow and sink all of the ships that made up the original blockade, only then agreeing to cease hostilities.


The destruction of the Osolette Navy was devastating to Osolette, the foolishnes of the Captains General was seen as a direct assault to the people of the city and for the first time ever the Law of No Confidence was enacted, Yen Nolish and Ansol Kaysint were stripped of rank and title and executed by the citizenry.

Historical Significance


While a relatively small affair considering other battles in history, the Blockade of Arlint Bay is significant in being the first major violent interaction between the two city-states of humanity.

Conflict Type
Battlefield Type
Start Date
Ending Date
Conflict Result
Arlint Victory


Arlint Navy
Osolette Navy







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